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How to make the most out of your internship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

At this point in the year we have passed through the valley of death, otherwise known as midterms, and have entered into the prime season before the holidays and finals. If you’re a senior or a junior, or even a highly motivated sophomore, you probably are in the midst of working a fall internship. The fall of senior year is prime time to gain more experience or even focus on applying for the next semester’s worth of positions. But, whether you’re currently interning or actively searching, heed these tips to get the most out of your experience!

1. Be Present

No one is excited by someone who always seems to be disengaged, especially in the workplace. If you were hired by a company, it is because they recognized potential in you as a student and budding professional, not because they want you to act like you have to be there. Show up and give your best attention to your job because it could pay off in the longterm. Whereas sitting on your phone and acting bored or simply half-assing the efforts will get you nowhere fast.

2. Have an Opinion

Generally, employers want their interns to actively participate in company projects and meetings. They hire college students to be an active part of the work environment, as well as a helpful resource, and in turn expect you to act as such. Don’t shy away from expressing your opinion about a project that you are working on, especially if you have a idea that brings a new perspective.

3. Get the Gift of the Gab

Huh? Basically don’t be afraid to chat with your coworkers, especially direct managers, while interning. Generally students try to maintain a formal business attitude which can limit the personable feelings between them and their coworkers. While you shouldn’t spend all day by the water cooler dishing about your plans for the weekend or roommate drama, indulging in some conversation now and then can help your coworkers get to know your personality and make a deeper connection. These personal connections are all too valuable once you start looking for a full time position, so get a hang of the office politics now!

That’s all for this installment of career talk, keep an eye out for more in the future! And remember: be present, have an opinion and don’t be afraid to gab a little bit.


OSU Strategic Communication-General Business. PRSSA. Her Campus. STEP. Clairee Belcher and Tina Fey are my spirit animals. kaitlinbradley.weebly.com https://twitter.com/KateBradley26 http://www.pinterest.com/speedbee2612/