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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Have you ever had such a shitty day, where all you want to do is call your mom? Have you ever been so busy you’ve forgotten to call your mom? Has this ever happened multiple days in a row? Honestly, I’m guilty of it more than once. I’ve forgotten to even send a quick text to my mom because I’ve been busy, lazy, and overwhelmed. But, do you know what happens when you call your mom? For one thing, my mom has the answers to everything, as does everyone’s mom. She might not have the exact answers to your exact problems, but in the grand scheme of things, you don’t need the exact answers. You just need someone to listen, someone to tell you it’s going to be okay, someone to tell you that you’ve been working hard and to keep it up. Your mom is there when you fail your midterm or your final. She’s just a phone call away. Your mom is there when you wake up feeling anxious and your entire day you fell in a sort of lull. She’s just a phone call away. Your mom is there when you break up with your long-term boyfriend or girlfriend and you need someone to cry to. She’s just a phone call away.


She gets it too. Your mom knows how busy college is; the midterms are never ending, the finals pop up out of nowhere, and we have to juggle homework, some sort of social life, and sleep to function the next day. When you find a minute, though, call her. Just ask how her day’s been and tell her about yours. I talked to my mom on the phone a few days ago, and once last week. It might not seem like a ton because I’m 100% guilty of forgetting and being too busy. Yet those two phone calls completely turned my day around. I missed laughing with her and hearing her advice. I missed hearing about what she was up to and what’s been going on around the house back home. 

So, It’s important to call your mom in college. Not only when you’re feeling shitty, but when you’re feeling your best. Your mom will pull you up when your down, and use her mom strength to lift you even higher when you’re feeling amazing. She’ll be your number one supporter no matter where you choose to go in life. Don’t be afraid to call her on campus, no one is going to make fun of you. Chances are, they’re missing their mom too. 

You can even call your mom when you don’t know what to eat for breakfast or when you don’t know what to wear to class. You can call your mom if you don’t know how to fix your TV, or if you want a care package from home. My advice, call her out of the blue, just to hear her voice. Then, make a date of it. Tell her you appreciate her because she appreciates you.

Mom, I’m sorry I don’t check in as often as I should. Thank you for all you’ve done to get me where I am today, it amazes me you can juggle as much as you do. Despite not calling so often, I do think about you every day. You’re a sassy queen that I aspire to be.

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