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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Today’s makeup is filled with things you would never dream of putting on your face, and does even more damage to the earth we live in. Many people don’t know that your foundation, lipstick, mascara and even hair dyes contain industrial chemicals like carcinogens, pesticides, reproductive toxins and hormone disrupters.

More importantly these chemicals lead to an increased risk of cancer, wrinkles, signs of aging and damaging your skin permanently. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and absorbs everything you put on it directly into your bloodstream. 

Beyond being cautious of what is actually inside your makeup products, the packaging and chemicals themselves are extremely harmful to the environment. Be sure to buy products labeled, “100% Natural,” or with ingredients you can understand like, coconut, sea salt and essential oils. Purchasing biodegradable packages is always a plus too!

Let’s be the millennials that recycle AND wear environmentally friendly makeup products. 

University of Oregon SOJC Student Public Relations Writer Traveler Dog lover Oregon Native
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