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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

As we start the first week of spring term completely remotely due to COVID-19, everyday interactions and activities are completely shifting society as we know it. For some, this may bring ease, being able to work or go to class in the comfort of your own home. However for others, navigating online platforms and creating a schedule for yourself may tack on more anxiety. Although this time is very stressful, we are all in this together. We need to accept the fact that everyday activities will not be the same for a while. Through this, finding happiness in your new routine will help your mind and body adjust to the changes. If you’re feeling trapped, overwhelmed, unmotivated or frustrated with everything going on, consider these tips for bearing through this quarantine period. 


Create a daily schedule, like you would for any other normal day 

If you are used to going to class or work and now feel as if your schedule is thrown off, creating a daily schedule will help make life feel slightly more normal. Planning out your day and creating a healthy routine can help you look forward to things during the day. Schedules can improve productivity and make you feel more accomplished. 


Carve out time for self care 

Taking care of your mental and physical health at this time is extremely important. This could mean dedicating an hour to go on a walk, cook a nice meal, paint your nails, do a face mask, read… anything where you can take a minute to focus on yourself and let outside distractions fade. Try picking a different self care activity each day to bring a sense of calmness into your every day. Giving gratitude to your body is also crucial since many people are fighting for their lives through this sickness. 


Don’t be afraid to ask for help 

Considering there are new platforms to navigate, this period will be a learning curve for everyone. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but shows that you are trying to succeed. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your professors, bosses, classmates, friends or family. Once again, we need to all look out for each other and be patient with everything changing. 


Don’t get sucked into the broadcast hole

As tempting as it is to get sucked into the daily news of updated case numbers, deaths, the economic impacts and other shocks from COVID-19, watching constant broadcast news will only make you feel more anxious. Although it’s important to stay updated on the daily news, try not to get consumed by the constant news of the virus. Try reading other academic new sources that incorporate other important topics and ideas about how to move forward and protect others during this time. 


Put your phone to good use

This goes along with the previous tip, however seeing social media posts every day makes it feel like you are missing out on something, but in reality there isn’t really anything to miss out on. Your phone during this time can be both a friend and a foe depending on how you use it. Rather than endlessly scrolling through your phone, try reaching out to friends during this time to check in. Connecting with people during this time is important since we are losing many of the personal interactions. 


This current climate is scary, overwhelming and unnerving. Being unsure of the future is unsettling for everyone but we need to remember that we are not alone in this. Motivation during this pandemic may feel low and focusing during school or work can be very difficult. However, these feelings are temporary and this soon will pass. Although it may take some time, you can find your flow and new normal under the circumstances. Finding ways to cope and doing activities that keep you fair-minded are essential in getting past this hard time. 


Hi everyone and welcome to my page! My name is Anniston Ward, I am a junior at the University of Oregon and my hometown is Bend, Oregon. I am double majoring in Public Relations and Spanish and minoring in Sports Business. I love to travel, spend time with my friends and family, take my Yorkshire Terrier, Willie, on runs, cook and try new foods, write and drink lots of coffee. I'm so excited to be a part of the HerCampus team to express myself through writing and hopefully inspire other women. I believe it's so important for women our age to speak their minds, share their ideas, empower each other and just be ourselves. I hope you enjoy my page and as always... go ducks!
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