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Downtown Eugene’s Monthly Gem: the First Friday ArtWalk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Once again, it’s Friday night, and you find yourself at home totally broke and totally bored. You and your gal pals are sick of the same old routine: frequenting the same bars, eating at the same campus spots, and discussing the same tired boys. If this sounds familiar, than get excited for next Friday, June 3rd: the next First Friday ArtWalk! Not only is it free, but you also get to experience Eugenian culture and art firsthand, as you tour Eugene’s many downtown galleries. The First Friday ArtWalk is a tradition that no cultured collegiette™ should miss.

The Lane Arts Council’s First Friday ArtWalk first peaked my interest a couple of months ago, the minute I caught wind of it. I was eager to attend my first on May 6, the date of last month’s walk. I wrapped up my final class for the day, clocked out of work, got ready at home, and finally convinced my less than enthusiastic boyfriend to accompany me, and determinedly began trekking downtown (in the rain, of course). I began to have second thoughts due to the downpour, but I had nothing to lose and continued towards Broadway St.

We arrived at the first gallery, which displayed remastered antique photographs of families who suffered the tragedy of the Holocaust. I appreciated the timeliness of this particular art show, considering it was Shoah Week, a time of remembrance. A friendly volunteer greeted my boyfriend and I at the door with maps featuring nearby participating galleries and brief descriptions of each show. We continued on and saw an impressive Dada movement-inspired show of neon lights and mixed media art, as well as gorgeous linoleum and wood cut prints. Other galleries demonstrated the carefulness and skill put into ink sketches, and others revealed cathartic expression on huge canvases covered in colored paint. With each gallery came a new experience, a different emotion, and sometimes even a physical reaction. One exhibit presented a number of paintings, many of which related to dance, and blasted infectious rhythms in the background – I couldn’t help but dance! Many galleries also offer food and wine for a small fee or donation, keeping their patrons full and happy along their walking tour.

The ArtWalk generally begins earlier in the evening at 5:30 p.m. and continues until around 8:00 p.m. While tours are offered, people are welcome to browse the galleries as they please, which cover most of downtown Eugene. So the next time you find yourself in a rut or your wallet is stretched a bit too thin, put your walking shoes on, and head towards the First Friday ArtWalk. Just look for the crowd in downtown Eugene.

To find out more, visit their Facebook page.

A University of Oregon junior and San Francisco native, Charmaine Ng loves authentic noodle dishes and will always opt for Asian and Italian cuisine when pressed to choose a restaurant. She is a self-proclaimed "noodler," someone who uses her noodle to collaborate with others and bring big ideas to life. She interns for a student-run full-service ad agency, blogs for a wedding and event planning company, and runs the UO Muggle Quidditch League. In her spare time, she sleeps, and sleeps, and sleeps - and dabbles in social media and blogging, her two biggest passions. Her quirkiness isn't apparent at first, but then she starts talking about packaging design and making funny faces, and you wonder what happened to that shy Asian girl you first met. With ambition bursting beyond the campus walls, Charmaine can't wait to graduate and work for an agency, company, or publication in community outreach efforts using social media.