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I’m an Introverted Extrovert

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

Written by Natalie Anderson

It’s hard to believe people like me exist in the world, yet here I am, an introvert. I say that I’m an “introverted extrovert” because while I enjoy being around my friends and family, people deplete my energy. If you’re like me, then by this point you’re like “oh my god she understands me”  and yes, yes I do reader(s). Here’s the thing, if you’re a textbook introvert like me, you don’t “like” to be alone, you depend on it. People drain you, like dementors if you’re a Harry Potter fan such as myself, or Vampires if that’s more your style. Either way people can be draining, sucking the fun out of your perfectly easy going day. While reading Amy Schumer’s book, The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, she has a whole chapter written on being an introvert I know, I was shocked as well. One line that really resonated with me was when she stated, “Being an introvert doesn’t mean you’re shy. It just means you enjoy being alone. Not just enjoy it— you need it.” If this doesn’t relate to introverts, I don’t know what will. I get this all the time, people seem often ashamed of wanting to be alone, like it’s some taboo thing in our society. Yes, I go to the grocery store all by myself, yes, I love staying in on a typical night out to eat pizza, drink wine and decide while watching Gilmore Girls, who was better for Rory, Jess, Dean or Logan? (Totally team Jess by the way if you’re a fan of the show.)



But either way, in regards to being an introvert, what is with the stigma? As a woman, I think we have pressure coming from society expecting us to be a gracious “hostess” always smiling with the perfect anecdote to go along with a boring story told over small talk—guess what, I don’t care if you’re gluten free! I’ll eat a whole pizza by myself and not even be sorry! As if women aren’t already under enough pressure, us introverts get that extra burden hanging over us, with my favorite question asked too many times: “Why don’t you smile more?” I have major RBF (resting b***h face) so that doesn’t help. Regardless, so many women get that question, and my question to that would be, “Why does it matter if I smile or not?” Whether you’re an introvert, an extrovert or a mix of the two like me, annoyances like these just add to the weight women feel today to be perfect, to be social, and to be likeable. Being alone is o-k-a-y. The millennial generation is so used to socializing with others so often we forget to take a step back for some well-deserved “me time” away from those who subsequently drain you or that thing called social media giving us total FOMO (fear of missing out). This goes for everyone when I say that you should get away from life to recharge yourself. Take a walk, curl up and watch a movie, whatever you need to take a break from the world and all the pressures that come with it, you may even discover something new about yourself. I promise, you won’t be the only one.

P.S.A. Amy Schumer is my idol and she should be yours too (if she isn’t already).

Do you love Amy Schumer? Comment down below!