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4 Ways to Make This Term the Best One Yet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

Coming back from Winter Break and being expected to be right back where you were school wise is, well, a little unrealistic. Everyone is still in the lazy day attitude and we know how hard it is to get back into school mode. Here are a few tips to help you have your best term yet!

1. Get a planner

Having your day, week or month planned out is something everyone should be doing, to a certain extent. Without having a schedule it is easy to forget assignments or important meetings, and it’s something that has happened to the best of us. You can get a simple planner from a store like Target, or if you are a more detail-oriented person something a little more advanced like the Passion Planner will work great for you! If planners aren’t your thing, try buying colorful sticky notes and putting them around your room to remind you of important things you have to do.

2. Talk with your professors

One of the most important things about having a good term is making sure you have a good relationship with your professors! Within the first week, try and squeeze in a minute after class to introduce yourself. Not only will you begin to have relationship with your professor, when you have a question about an assignment it will be far less intimidating not having that be the first time you talk to them.

3. Work out weekly

While it’s always a struggle to actually get yourself into a gym, after your workout it feels great. Even if you’re stressed about school or work, take the time as often as you can during the week and hit the gym! Not only will it give you a quick break form the stress of college, but you will leave the gym feeling energized and ready to get back to work!

4. Relax

The worst thing you can do is stress out over a bad grade or a rude professor. Instead of getting worked up over something you can’t change, strive to do better next time or find a new way of doing things. Take the time whether it be on the weekend or during the week to take an hour or so and watch Netflix (that does not mean binge watch seasons 1-3 of One Tree Hill in a day), read a book or go out to eat with some friends and just chill. When you’re stressed out trying to study isn’t going to work, all you’ll do is give yourself a headache and wish you would’ve taken that nap earlier.   

What are some of the ways you are making this your best term yet? Let us know in the comments below!