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Student and Athlete: Anthony Messina

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

I personally have had the privilege to call him my friend and one of the greatest people I know. Not only does he have a huge heart, but he strives to succeed in everything he does. Anthony: athlete, student and amazing person. 

Name: Anthony Messina

Age: 20

Home location: Long Island

Major: Psychology

Year: Sophomore

Relationship status: Single

Sport: Wrestling

Years in current sport: 16

What got you started: My dad introduced it to me.

HC: “What would be your ultimate achievement in wrestling?”

AM: “To place in the NCAA nationals for wrestling by the time I graduate college.”

HC: “What is your biggest challenge, and what do you do to manage this challenge?”

AM: “My biggest challenge is scoring as high as possible in school and managing my work while I complete my assignments on time.”

HC: “What was the best advice you were ever given?”

AM: “That you need to go about life in the full circle: Everything you do goes around in a circle and the circle is to be the best person you can be.”

HC: “Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by?”

AM: “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

HC: “What was the best memory you have had here at SUNY Oneonta?”

AM: “The best memories I’ve had at Oneonta are spending time with my teammates at practice, on bus rides, at competitions, and hanging out together.”

HC: “What advice would you give to any incoming freshman at SUNY Oneonta or any incoming freshman on Oneonta State’s Wrestling team?”

AM: “Don’t be afraid to go out and talk to people.  Don’t waste your time on opportunities you could have taken by being afraid of the outcome.  Take risks.”

Hey everyone! My name is Callan Fridgen, and I'm a junior at Oneonta State studying Communications with a minor in Public Relations. Find me on Instagram @callanfridgen