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The Perfect Flavor Ice Cream for Each Horoscope

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ole Miss chapter.


By Rachel Culp








Aries- As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries are known for being loud and vibrant leaders. Impulsive, determined and brave, the Aries ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip. A staple item on any menu, but with a minty flavor to spice things up, this one is for you.




Taurus- There is no question, Taurus, the flavor for you is vanilla. Reliable, loyal, stable bulls represent vanilla, the ice cream flavor that is always there, no matter what.



Gemini- Gentle and affectionate, with a friendly demeanor, chocolate chip cookie dough is for you, Gemini. This ice cream flavor is another staple, but with little surprise bites to represent the quick-witted and surprising Gemini.




Cancer- The highly imaginative cancer needs a flavor that represents this unique side. Blue Moon cookie dough is for the cancer, the blue coloring represents this water sign and its smooth, creamy flavor represents the loyal and emotional Cancer.



Leo- Salted caramel ice cream is for you, Leo. Leo’s like the finer things in life, and tend to be cheerful and passionate, so this rich and tasty flavor is for you!


Virgo- No flavor better represents the hard-working and analytical Virgo than chocolate ice cream. A traditional flavor, that can be easily spiced up with fun flavors and toppings, much like the Virgo tends to avoid taking center stage, chocolate ice cream is the perfect balance for these toppings.




Libra- Libras tend to dislike conformity and tradition, making green tea the perfect ice cream flavor for a Libra. Harder to find than most staples, this calming flavor represents the diplomatic and serene Libra.



Scorpio- Passionate and assertive, like the strong flavor of coffee ice cream. This is the perfect flavor for you, Scorpio.




Sagittarius- Rocky road ice cream perfectly represents the freedom-loving Sagittarius. With all the different layers and flavors, this ice cream flavor represents the fun, travel-loving, Sagittarius well.


Capricorn- Responsible, disciplined, and known for their self-control, only sorbet could represent the Capricorn.




Aquarius-  Independent, fun, and rebellious, strawberry cheesecake is the perfect ice cream flavor for the Aquarius. Surprising and smooth, it perfectly represents the calm and cool Aquarius.




Pisces- Artistic and spiritual, the Pisces needs an ice cream flavor as unique as its sign, so cotton candy is for the Pisces. No standard ice cream flavor would do for a Pisces. 

Sarah Smith

Ole Miss '20

Sarah is a Journalism student at the University of Mississippi. She is currently working on her first novel which she hopes to be published before she finishes college in 2020. Nerd to the heart, Sarah is always blasting Guardians of the Galaxy in her car, and her dorm or house is where the nerdy movie and book fest never ends. She aspires to be a lifestyles magazine writer and a novelist after college.