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4 Sweet & Healthy Breakfast Recipes You Need In Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Old Westbury chapter.

Healthy eating is not easy for all of us, especially if you have zero cooking skills. As collegiettes, we want our food cheap, convenient and fast. It’s not new that fast food such as McDonald’s, Burger King and Panera are unhealthy. We know junk food is bad, yet it’s so cheap and convenient that we keep going back for more. I’m definitely guilty! I’ve tried so many different tricks to lose weight and/or stay healthy, but nothing has worked! I’ve gone to a dietitian, had a personal trainer,  tried cleansing (which has worked for my loved ones.) I’ve lost weight from all of these, but I didn’t maintain it. So all of my money went to waste! I even tried to go vegan, and even raw vegan for a week. Yeah, it got pretty crazy! I realized that I always went on a diet instead of changing my lifestyle. I found a solution though, I make my healthy taste amazing!

I’ve been cooking! BUT DON’T CLICK OUT OF THIS ARTICLE YET. It’s easy, healthy, delicious and there’s barely anything to clean up. Check these out the 4 breakfast recipes:

1- Nice Cream

This is basically a smoothie that looks and tastes like ice cream. It’s so good, and only has three healthy ingredients.


– 2 frozen bananas

– Frozen blueberries

– Almond Milk


In your blender, mix the two frozen bananas,  and 1/2 a cup of almond milk. The less almond milk the better, so you can get that thick texture. Separatly, mix the frozen berries with a little bit of almond milk. Place the banana nice cream and blueberry nice cream in a jar, in layers. Results!

2.  Brownie oats

I promise you, this smells just like brownie batter and I was flabbergasted! It tastes like brownies with oats. It’s so yummy. OMFG!


– 1 cup of oats

– 1 banana

– 1 tbs of peanut butter (or any nut butter)

– 1 or 2 tbs of cacao powder

– 2 tea spoon of vanilla extract

– 1 cup of almond milk

– 1 tbs of chia seed (for protein)

– Use coconut sugar or stevia as a sweetner

– crushed almonds


Mash your banana then mix it with peanut butter. Add your cacao powder, vanilla extract, sweetner of choice and mix well. Then add one cup of almond milk. Mix until it looks like chocolate milk. Put your oats in a jar/bowl, pour your mix in. Leave overnight and add almond toppings. In case you want it warm, put it in the microwave for 30 seconds and… Tada!

3.  Apple Ring Vegan Pancakes

So healthy, so good!


– 1 apple

– 1 banana

– Almond flour

– Almond Milk

– 1 tsp of cinnamon

– 1 tbs of protein powder (I use Vega Vanilla)


Cut the apple in roud slices, cut out the middle so it looks like a ring. Mash the banana, add the almond flour, almond milk, cinnamon and protein powder. Mix so it looks…well… like pancake batter. Then dip the apple ring so it’s completly covered and fry. 

Want to see inside the pancakes?

Oh Yes!

4. DIY granola bar


– 2 1/2 cups Oats (quick-cooking or old-fashioned)

– 1/4 tsp Baking soda

– 1/2 cup coconut sugar (Or honey if you’re not vegan)

-1 tsp vanilla extract

– Less than 1/4 tsp of salt

– 1/4 cup Coconut oil


Mix it all together, place flat in baking pan preped with coconut oil. 

So exited for you to try these! Let us know what you think by tagging us on social media @hcoldwestbury! Or on Facebook, Her Campus Old Westbury. 





Nathalie Ligonde is a senior at SUNY at Old Westbury majoring in Media and Communications. She is a Campus Co-Correspondent at Her Campus at Old Westbury. Ligonde is passionate about travelling, writing and learning new languages. She enjoys binging TV shows and movies on Netflix and loves hanging out with her friends. Her dream is to make a difference in the world by inspiring people to love themselves and others for who they are. You can follow her on Instagram to see all her adventures: @nathzwhatz