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How to Decorate Your Dorm Room for Christmas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oklahoma chapter.

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels


The Christmas season can be a stressful time during college because of impending finals. However, I find Christmas decorations a much-needed distraction and source of happiness. It can be hard to decorate for Christmas in the limited space of a dorm room, but here are a few ideas to help you get into the holiday spirit!


1. Decorate your door

Image via Social Nesting


There are a lot of different ways you could go with this idea. You could cover your door in festive wrapping paper, tie a ribbon around the door, hang up a wreath, or put up stockings. You could even do a combination. This is a great way to decorate for the holidays because it does not take up space.



2. Put up Christmas lights

Image via Pinterest


While this is a common idea, it is definitely an easy way to spruce up a room. If you have as much trouble getting lights to stick as I do, try draping them over something tall so their weight isn’t pulling on the wall. I put my Christmas lights over the wardrobes in my room. I also used cord holders to keep them in place!


3. Buy a mini Christmas tree and ornaments

Image via Pinterest 


A mini Christmas tree can come in many different sizes and places. Hobby Lobby has them pretty cheap around this time of year (and on sale)! This decoration can take up a little more room, but it is fun to decorate when you have time to take a break from studying. You could go for the traditional green or you could go with white, metallic or even a color! There are plenty of options with Christmas trees.


4. Hang a banner or garland

Image via Amazon


Hanging a banner or glittery garland is another really easy way to make your dorm room look more Christmas-y. Also, depending on which Christmas aesthetic you prefer, there are a lot of different options for banners.


5. Put up little figurines

Image via Little House of Four


These are an easy way to add a little decoration around your room without taking up too much space. I love little knick-knacks, and I fell in love with these cute little birds from Target, for example. They’re so festive and absolutely adorable!


Hailey Welch

Oklahoma '21

Hailey Welch is majoring in Chemical Biosciences with a final goal of studying the brain. While loving science, she also appreciates the need for creative development and self expression. Her hobbies include trying new foods, talking to her mom on the phone, looking at squirrel videos on Instagram, and getting distracted by HerCampus articles.
Emily Parker

Oklahoma '19

Hi my name is Emily Parker and I am a senior at the Univeristy of Oklahoma! I am from Tucson, Arizona and I am majoring in Business Marketing and minoring in Art. After graduation I would like to travel abroad and pursue a career in fashion marketing!