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Budget Christmas Gifts For Your Boyfriend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oklahoma chapter.

Photo by Miroslava on Unsplash


1. Wallet

No matter how many wallets my boyfriend gets, he seems to always need a new one around Christmas time. This was the perfect gift for him during our first Christmas together, but it is also a great idea for your long-time boo!

Image via Pinterest


2. Personalized Pocket Knife

You can find a ton of different options, as well as engraving styles for cheap on Etsy.com! This is a great gift that my boyfriend loved, too!

Image via Pinterest


3. American Eagle Underwear

Every year I end up buying my boyfriend at least one pair of underwear for his stocking. While I love American Eagle, I also just bought some super fun and cheap pairs from Old Navy!

Image via Pinterest


4. Yeti Cup

A man can never have too many Yeti’s. If you are running low on Christmas cash, and you cannot afford a Yeti ice chest, a simple Yeti cup could last your boyfriend years!

Image via Amazon​


5. Ball Cap

This is an easy gift that will definitely be appreciated. Plus, this is a pretty simple buy if you know your boyfriend’s style!

Image via Pinterest


6. Framed Picture

While this seems like a small gesture, a picture of the two of you can go a long way. By giving him something sentimental, it shows your love and appreciation for him.

Image via The Daily Mash

Addison Kliewer

Oklahoma '20

Journalism senior at the University of Oklahoma. Lover of all things pumpkin, coffee, books, new friends and expressing opinions through subpar writing.