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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oklahoma chapter.

Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash


Poetry is hard to write, especially when it’s for a girl. It’s writing a love poem that isn’t cliché and then making it rhyme- an extremely vulnerable act. If anyone writes poetry for their significant other, the words often get kept long after the relationship ends because the gesture is so meaningful.


1. The Bad-boy

If this guy writes a love poem, he’s a keeper. It might be bad, really bad. He might not know how to

express his feeling verbally, so he tries in a poem. He writes because you want a poem, not

because he wants to.


2. The Moody Loner

These guys’ poems are equally for themselves as they are for their reader. This guy wants to

express his emotions, so he writes. If he’s in a relationship, that’s the topic of his next poem. He

might even keep writing poetry throughout the entire relationship, a lot of them being real gems.


3. The Jock

This guy will deny writing it or even that it’s a big deal. The fact that he’s writing it means he’s

putting the girl before the guys and feels it’s worth the repercussions.


4. The Blindside

This is a nice guy that doesn’t own up to what he writes. He might not even admit he wrote it for

you. This could be the friend that doesn’t show any romantic intention but writes sweet love

poems and doesn’t back them up with any action.


5. The Artist

This kind of guy will write an original poem, avoiding as many cliché’s as possible. It might not

even rhyme, but his poem is heart wrenching, intimate, personal and the kind you’ll want to keep

long after he’s gone.


Sofie is an English writing major at the University of Oklahoma. She enjoys reading, writing, and pottery.