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Where I See Myself In 10 Years

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

With it being a new year,  I have been thinking about where I can see myself 10 years from now. 

Although there is no set plan on what tomorrow will bring, I try my best to think of what I want for myself, and try my hardest to make it will happen. Ten years from now I will be 30, and I hope I am able to achieve most of the goals below by the time I reach that age!


1. Graduate college and have started my career.

            As of right now, this is my number one biggest goal. Being a sophomore in college, I still have a journey ahead of me. Graduating from college has always been a goal of mine, and I always think about how proud I would not only make my parents, but myself to be able to say “I graduated college and doing a job that I love”. It was such an amazing feeling to be able to finish high school, so I can’t imagine the rush I will feel crossing that stage on graduation day.

2. Have my yearly income saved by 30.

            I’m not very good at saving, but It’s definitely something I want to work on, and be able to have something to lean back on if something major was to happen in my life. I try not to depend on others, but instead try to figure it out myself, and having a saving account would be a very big help incase an emergency happened.


3. Have built or bought my dream house.

I hope by the age of 30, I have a good paying job that helps me be able  to buy or build the house of my dreams. Even if It isn’t the house of my dreams just yet, the thought of having somewhere that I can really call my own would be such an accomplishment for me.


4. Travel to at least 10 different countries:

            One thing I look forward to in the future is to travel. I know traveling takes a lot of money, so right now I have only given myself  10 different places to travel to by 30. I already have a trip to Cabo and another to Greece planned in 2018, but I want to be able to see more than just that. I want to see places that I have never seen before, and have crazy fun and adventures to tell when I’m older. 

5. Getting Married.

            It’s always been a dream of mine to have a big wedding.Unfortuatly,  I already have wedding board on my Pinterest account. Of course, I always use to play pretend weddings, and do all the girly things a girl does, but this is a day that won’t be make believe! It’s the day I get to get all dressed up, and feel like a princess, and let’s just hope I find my lucky one before the age of 30.

Although my goals are simple, I think it is very important to always go into the new year with a vision of where you want to see yourself!

That way you can always make sure you are in the right track with the plans for your life!