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Spring Workout Tips to Get You Ready for Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

1. Mix it up!

Doing the same boring thing every day can mean burnout quickly. Try rotating what muscles you work and what type of workouts you are doing every week. Try alternating between cardio and weight training to work different parts of your body. This will ensure a new kind of soreness that will keep you in the gym! Try HITT cardio or short body weight circuits:

2. Try something new!

If you usually hit the treadmill and run, try lifting instead. This could introduce you to something new and exciting! Find a guide on basic lifts or a running schedule for those of us who struggle in the cardio department:


3. Find a workout buddy!

No one likes to hit the gym alone! Sometimes it can feel awkward walking through the people that look like they know what they are doing especially in a gym. Having someone to battle the awkwardness will lessen the nerves. Find someone with similar goals who can push you to meet yours.

4. Get outside!

With the warm weather working its way into the days, take a minute to go outside and get some fresh air. Go for a jog or do some yoga in the yard, even a little bit of movement outside will get you motivated to live a healthy life!



         Working out to please others will never give you the satisfaction you are looking for. Make sure that you are hitting the gym to make your goals not societies! In the end you will be even prouder of yourself and your accomplishments.