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Small Pets for Even Smaller Dorm Rooms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Having a pet come with you to college definitely makes the transition easier, but sadly, most universities won’t allow dogs or cats without an Emotional Support Pet license.

However, here’s a list of college friendly animals, that you can keep in your dorm!



Fish are super easy to take care of, especially Bettas.

Betta fish do not need a filter, so you can put them in relatively anything (as long as they’re by themselves) and they will thrive.



Turtles are very durable pets, and they come with lots of character!

They’re small enough to live comfortably in a medium sized tank, and there’s no extra care involved such as walking them.




Lizards require about the same enviroment and care as a turtle, just without the all the water.

They’re also adorable and low maintenance.




Hamsters are cute, fuzzy creatures, and can be small enough to fit in the palm of your hand !

They live in small cages, and they love to run around in plastic balls which will definalty entertain you!



Frogs are great options if you want an aquatic pet that falls in between a fish and a lizard.

Depending on the type, they can live fully submerged in water or half in water and half out.




If you’re not great with animals, but still want something to take care of, plants are great options.

Succulents are super low maintenance, and only need to be watered once a week, making them a great option for that bare windowsill in your college dorm room.


If you still choose to not own any of these pets, you can always volunteer at the Humane Society of Stillwater, and help take care of their sheltered pets!