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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Starting a fitness routine is something that can be very difficult, especially in college. The intimidation that comes from the gym is a real thing and can be scary at times. Having a plan that someone has already written out is the most helpful way to get started. These are my favorite girls to follow that I believe help me the most.

Whitney Simmons

Whitney is my absolute favorite fitness blogger. Her Instagram is full of easily completed workouts that can be done in almost every gym. Along with her Instagram, she also has a YouTube channel that she shows recipes and reviews of popular fitness products. Her goal is to spread positivity surrounding fitness and lessen the nervousness of going to the gym, especially for women.

Natacha Ocean

Natacha is a fitness blogger from the UK. She also has many workouts on her Instagram with detailed instructions of each movement. Her workouts tend to go more towards the functional side, using body weight or kettlebells a lot of the time. She is coming out with an e-book guide, but you can gain a lot just by following her Instagram page. She is also a YouTube vlogger where she goes into even more detail about the science behind everything that she does.

Brittany Lupton

Brittany is a US blogger that uploads most of her workouts on Instagram. She also puts a series of motivational quotes on her story every day. She preaches positive mindset and positive relationships with her body and food. She interacts with her followers on a daily basis.