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It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, No It’s Super-Hannah

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

There are many ways to be involved with Americas Greatest Homecoming. From participating in an organization, to attending the homecoming festivities, anything you could think of being involved in for homecoming, Hannah Maggiore has tried it all.


Hannah Maggiore is the Homecoming Director for Alpha Xi Delta (ΑΞΔ) and Phi Kappa Tau (ΦΚΤ) for the 2016-2017-Homecoming year.

Even though being Homecoming Director takes a lot of time, Hannah is still involved in so many other organizations on campus outside of homecoming. When asked about what other ways she was involved in on-campus, she described participating in being an orientation leader over the summer, and a student academic mentor to incoming students. She is also in Minorities in Agriculture and Natural Science and Other Related Resources, and serves as a Community Mentor in our residential halls. 

Hannah was previously Homecoming Director for Iba Hall, and soon moved up to becoming Homecoming Director for Alpha Xi Delta. She decides to get involved with homecoming, because when stated, “it’s one thing to witness it, buts its another thing to be apart of it and put it on.”

Not everyone gets to experience the other side of homecoming, but Hannah has got to be on both sides of homecoming. With how much she is involved in, it is surprising how she manages to simply live. No matter who knows her, she is behind the scenes of important events and truly makes homecoming what it is today.


“The Cowboy Family to me is like that friend you haven’t seen in a few months or years, but when you see each other its like you were never apart.

That’s why I love homecoming so much.”

       — Hannah Maggiore