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How to Get Your Nails Ready for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

How to Get Your Nails Ready for the Holidays

With the falling of the colorful leaves, the climate change, and the desire for hot desserts, calls for a change in your wardrobe! It’s time to put up your birks and shorts and pull out your boots and scarfs, but don’t forget about the nail polish!


Our nails tend to be forgotten about from time to time, but it’s okay that’s what this article is here for! It’s only reasonable to have your nails match the scheme of your outfit, although we can’t always have our nails complement every single one of our outfits we can make sure they at least fall in order. Here are some tips on how to make your nails look stunning for the holidays!

Did someone say glitter

With new year’s and Christmas approaching everything starts to become more shiny to catch our eyes, so why not add some of that attention to our nails. 

The warmer the better

Fall and winter is full of dark warm colors. What better way to welcome the new seasons than with warm toned colors to set the mood.

For those who love to go all out

If we’re gonna go all out in our holiday feasts with all the delicious desserts and food why not do the same with our nails? Sometimes a pretty nail color won’t do justice and that’s when the antlers and snowflakes come out!