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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

There are always people working to change the world in magnificent ways. Sometimes, cities as a whole work together to help out their citizens. Let me tell you about what Stockholm, Sweden is doing to help their homeless.

As of 2017, the population in Stockholm was 960,031. With that many people, the homeless population is sadly very prevalent. The winter season is deadly to these people that remain on the streets day and night. The weather in Stockholm has dropped very low with the highs in the week sitting around 38° at most.  

To help these people out in finding a safe place, Stockholm has been replacing commercial advertisements with information on where to find the nearest shelter.

These messages are at bus stops, on billboards and anywhere else that are known as hubs for many homeless people. Not only do the signs say where the nonprofit shelters are, but a lot of the signs tell people where they can volunteer and donate supplies like blankets and food.

It can normally be hard to reach the homeless with useful information about places to go. This method has become very useful and has helped many people out.

Sadly, many people can turn a blind eye to the homeless when it comes to helping them out. So it’s really cool to see Stockholm do everything they can to give these people food, drink and a warm place to sleep at night.

Makenzie Massey

OK State '21

Hi! My name is Makenzie. I'm a junior at Oklahoma State and I'm majoring in strategic communications. Some passions of mine are cooking, traveling and expressing creativity!