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Good Study Habits from Spongebob Squarepants

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

The last stretch of the year is here and our study guides are slacking. We told ourselves last semester that we would prepare and not procrastinate, but if we don’t start preparing now that is exactly what will happen. So crack open those books, get all of the flashcards and follow these good study habits for finals from Spongebob Squarepants!

1. Start early

Realistically start now! Get your notes together and start comprising them and gradually create the final study guide. Once the final is here you will have it done and you would have been studying the other material as you go.

2. Write everything down

It has been proven that writing things down help you remember the material easier. Get you flashcards out and write down terms you needs to know, then after use them to study. Get someone to help you study the term and definition so you know you got it.

3. Take a break

When studying don’t do everything all at once. Take your time and if you need a break take one, but don’t forget to always come back to studying.

4. Work with others from class

Working with others can provide notes that you may have missed and a different perspective on topics you don’t understand. Which would then help you on the exam because you understand more topics of the class.

5. Good playlist

If you’re the type of person to listen to music as you study make sure it has music that you don’t want to sing along to, but music you can drown out because you have heard the song so many times.

Take these study habits and use them so yo don’t end up like this at the end of finals week…