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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

As a freshman in college, I’ve never come across so many amounts of people on a daily basis. I, myself, have come to find many friends in these new people – followed by memorable experiences that help define ourselves for each other.

In other words, we all have that one friend that is …


The Smart Friend

This is the friend that pretty much knows everything – the friend you want to study with.


The Loud Friend

This is the friend you can hear from two floors away. He or she is definitely not someone you would take to the library.


The Funny Friend

This is the friend that makes your stomach hurt each time you two hang out. It’s a talent, really.


The Parent Friend

This friend is very much the most responsible person you know. He or she is the person you come to with a crisis.


The Wild Friend

This is the friend that is always looking for a good time. You only hang with this person on the weekend.


The Best Friend

This is the friend that is a summation of all the above.