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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

I have always been one to struggle with self-confidence. All throughout high school and through most of college I hated looking at myself in pictures and I would not dare go anywhere without makeup. This can still be a struggle for me on many days, but one way I learned to cope with who I am and how I look is through photography.

This is not some big and elaborate thing for me, I just go out with my friends and my camera and take pictures. This has helped me with my confidence on a level that I did not think was possible. When I go on these “photo shoots” I get to be carefree in the way I look.

This also brings me closer with my friends, being able to share a hobby with those I care about the most. Along with pushing me to be more confident in myself, I hope to push my friends to get to that point as well. It is a new kind of freeing to be confident in who you are both physically and mentally. I have grown through the new found confidence and in turn have become so much happier in the way that I look and feel.

Everyone needs to find their confidence booster in life! Search for it!