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Coleman Scott: Olympic bronze medalist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Dream big; everyone is told these words, but many don’t believe them. But, for Coleman Scott he believed, and so he did.

Coleman Scott is an Oklahoma State University alumni and recent Olympic bronze medalist wrestler. Being an Olympian has been Coleman’s dream since he was 10 and could fully understand the magnitude of the Olympics. He had been wrestling since he was six because of the inspiration his grandfather gave him.

Coleman was raised in Pennsylvania, but was brought to Oklahoma by OSU’s spirit and strong wrestling program and we are happy we had him! 
Understandably, becoming the world’s best is no easy task. Coleman says wrestling is his job. He had two to three workouts a day. But, Coleman says it is worth it, and that he has no regrets. Hard work pays off. Along with the workouts he attends competitions around the world, which do come with a payoff if you win. It’s a win-win situation.

Coleman’s dream as an Olympian became real in Time Square. As he weaved through businessmen and women dressed to the nines, his dream was so close he could touch it. He won the match on an outdoor mat in New York to get the opportunity to compete in the London games.

When he arrived in London, he felt as if he was in a dream. He said he couldn’t believe he was standing among the world’s best athletes. It was the rumble of the stage at the Opening Ceremonies that brought a dream-like moment to a real-life moment.

Then the dream became real with 95 friends and family member there to watch. He held the dream, the bronze medal, in his hand.
But, Coleman is dreaming bigger and hopes to make that dream come true in the Rio 2016 games.

Coleman is more than a weight; three count pin or great arms.

He is a proud father and husband. He says his wife and little girl are his biggest supporters, and the ones who make this dream happen.

As he sat and talked with me with, his wife and daughter next to him, he kept sneaking peeks at his sleeping one-year old.

Coleman says most Olympians don’t have families, but he was lucky enough to have one willing to make this lifestyle work. And he still finds time to bring his daughter to daycare and spend quality time with her.

So, Coleman plans to continue to dream big, while preparing for the next games and sharing his passion while being a coach. And through all this, he carries his cowboy spirit in his heart, and he says, “anything for OSU!”

I am a senior at Oklahoma State University. My major is Multimedia Journalism with a minor in leadership. I aspire to be a news anchor or work for a fashion magazine, I am honestly open to any kind of journalism though. I am the Her Campus correspondent for OSU. I interned for News on 6 in Tulsa, Okla this summer and I loved every second of it. Basically, I am just a fun-loving girl who loves her friends and family. The only expectations I have for the future is to be happy.