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Campus Celebrity: Keenan Schmidt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Q: Where are you from?
A:: Kissimmee, FLa.  It’s about 10 minutes outside Orlando.
Q: What is your year and major?
A: Freshman. Animal Science.
Q: When did you start making music?
A: I started taking piano at 8, so I’ve been at it for 10-11 years now.
Q: How many instruments can you play?
A: I took lessons to learn to play the piano and the banjo, and I am self taught on the guitar and harmonica.
Q: Who has been your biggest influence? 
A: It’s kind of cliché but honestly The Beatles were a big early influence for me and other acoustic artists from past such as Bob Dylan.  More recent influences have been my musician friends.
Q: What do you plan on doing after you graduate?
A: Hopefully get in a position of beef production, but I plan to keep doing music.  I’ll just wait to see what opportunities present themselves.
Q: Do you have a favorite quote?
A: Yes, its from the book Peter Pan “To die would be an awfully big adventure.”
I think it’s a good life application, no matter what walk of life you’re in.  The quote has a lot of mystery behind it.
Q: Do you do performances here?
A: Well, I play in front of the library a few times a week. I’ve been looking in OKC and the Tulsa area.  I also played at the SUAB open mic night last fall and at various charity events.  I am available to play for anything and everything!

Q: What kind of music do you play?
A: It’s hard to put an exact label over it all but I’d say acoustic folk with various other elements depending on the song.
Q: What’s a random fact about yourself?
A: I own a show cattle business in Florida.
Keenan just released an EP on iTunes and his first music video. Check out his music on You Tube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXsRGxpt_y0.
Contact at Amusic13@gmail.com or http://listn.to/KeenanSchmidtMusic

Becca is an Oklahoma State University fashion journalism student. After she graduates in December, she wants to work for British Vogue. She believes that although a $1,200 sundress looks fantastic on the runway, there are less expensive alternatives to looking fabulous. Knowing how to shop on a budget is a vital skill for every college woman. She has recently completed a life-changing study abroad experience in London and a visual merchandising internship at White House Black Market in Dallas. Becca wants to show the fashion world that you can look beautiful without breaking the bank.