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6 Reasons Collegiate Women Should Travel Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Let’s be honest, there’s probably 100 different articles out there right now telling you why you should travel as a collegiate woman. But seriously, there are so many different articles for a reason, it’s because you should. With no further ado here’s my 6 Reasons You, as a Collegiate Woman, Should Travel NOW. 


1. You will experience what you’ve only ever dreamed of

You’ve seen the pictures, you’ve read the captions on instagram, you’ve even read the plethora of different articles telling you that over summer break you should backpack across Asia instead of going to Cabo. But what you haven’t grasped fully is the way the sun feels as it reflects itself on your forehead on top of a mountain you hiked up, or the way it feels to ride your bike through Amsterdam as it rains. You haven’t heard the magical symphony playing in London and you haven’t experienced the cuisine in Panama. Once you travel you will see and touch things you’ve only ever been told about. When you travel as a young person you are no longer living on the back of those who have gone before you. You are going for yourself, speaking for yourself, living for yourself. Once you go, no one can tell you that it doesn’t matter, no one, young or old, can tell you what to feel or what should matter to you. 


2. You will learn to appreciate diversity

So often in our small communities we accept what is comfortable, what we are used to. But when you travel you are quite literally forced out of this comfort zone, you are forced to experience other communities realities. For better or for worse we are all different, and when you travel you get to see the beauty in our differences. You will learn to eat food you never imagined, learn to consider perspectives that have never occured to you. Once you travel you will see that diversity is a gift, not a four letter word, and you will appreciate it so much more when you return to your diverse university. 

3. You will make amazing friendships

There is something so powerful about this bond that you create with those on the road. You will laugh late at night, you will tell secrets that perhaps you’ve never considred sharing before, and most importantly you will experience life alteringly-beautiful moments together, that try as you might, you will never be able to fully express to those back home. They may not go back to your hometown with you, but they will be present for remarkable, unforgettable moments, and you will never forget the wisdom and experiences you shared. 

4. You will view the world differently

Your eyes will be open to new ways of life, to new views of politics, cuisine, worship, family, and life in general. When you travel young, all of your opinions and perspectives are still being formed, and therefore you are able to appreciate these different lifestyles so much more. Never again will you have the chance to see the world with brand new eyes and experience things that no one you know has ever dreamt of. The world will forever look different, and you will get to share that with those you love back home.

5. You will view your own culture differently

When you return, everything will look different: fast food, currency exchange, people you disagree with, how many pillows you need to sleep. The world will be altered for you, and so will home. It will feel different, and it will be hard to express to those who have never left home. You will appreciate your soft bed and mom’s mac and cheese so much more. You won’t be able to take for granted the things you have been graced with; your eyes, your heart, and your life will be different. 

6. You will be irrevocably altered

As cheesy as it sounds, once you travel you really will never be the same again. There is something in the long train rides, the late nights laughing, the moments of awe standing in front of the worlds wonders, that disperses pieces of you in the places you’ve been. Once you return to your home, city, country, you will be different and it will impact everything. It will impact the companies you buy from, the way you love people, the way you read the news, the way you live your life. The very best addition to your college education you could give yourself is to travel right now. 


I like coffee, crochet, and stories. Feminism is my theme song, and Parks and Rec is my show of the year. Never stop laughing.