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Why You Should Pick Up An Instrument

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Story By Gabrielle Zacharia

At some point in your life, you probably had the dream of becoming a rock star or a famous musician in a band. Most likely this was a childhood fantasy; however, it’s never too late to pick up an instrument and start rockin’ out.

Many people have played an instrument at some point of their life– usually as a child– and then let it go because they got either overwhelmed, bored or because it wasn’t what they expected (they didn’t think it would help them achieve their dream of being a rock star). Just because you’re older now doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it another try. Learning to play an instrument is one of the most rewarding experiences and with only a little practice each day, you can be a rock star (even if that’s just according to your mom).

Even if you are not musically or artistically inclined, you probably love listening to music. It puts you in a better mood, it’s a stress reliever and it motivates you. Listening to music is a daily ritual and it can have a huge impact on anyone’s life. Learning to play an instrument does all of that, times 100. When you can play your favorite song on an instrument, the song instantly goes from just being a good tune to a creation. When you get good enough to have a repertoire of different songs, you’ll want to show off and perform it for others, even if it’s just your dog.

(Photo courtesy of http://favim.com/)

What’s great about beginning to play an instrument is that it’s so much simpler nowadays. All you need is the instrument and you’re good to go! Of course you can get lessons if you’re really dedicated, but we’re so fortunate to have the internet to learn from! There are plenty of YouTube videos and websites providing you with all the instructions you need, whether you’re an expert complete and total beginner.

As a college student, learning an instrument just seems like another task to add to your busy schedule; however, it is so worth it! Playing an instrument is not only a huge stress reliever, but it is the perfect way to deal with emotions. When you’re having a bad day or you’re stressed from school work, the best thing is to take a break, grab your instrument and jam out. You could also use it like a diary and write a song about what’s going on in your life or how you are feeling. This coping mechanism works amazingly– even if you’re the worst musician ever, it can help you deal with all the chaos that comes with college and with life.

If you need another reason to play an instrument, just remember that it’s another hobby that you can tell people about, and it makes for the best conversation starter! You can continue telling people about how you played lacrosse in high school and how you like hang out with friends and shop, OR you can spice it up and mention how you play the guitar, piano or flute, etc. Everyone loves music and when you mention that you can make music? Well, that just makes it even better.

Go ahead, save up some money, and get yourself an instrument– any instrument. You’ll feel so much less stressed, you can teach yourself and do it on your own time, everyone will think you’re awesome and IT’S FUN. Once you start, you’ll never want to put it down. So put away your phone and pick up an instrument instead. You’ll thank me later.

Just a quirky fashion journalist trying to get it right!