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What You Need To Know About November’s Ohio Issue 1

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

After the special election on August 8th, it is important that we know what we are voting for and that we are getting registered to vote. Throughout this article, I am going to be mostly using the term women, but I do not want to erase the fact that this also effects anyone assigned female at birth.

The August 8th election had us vote on Issue 1. This issue came from Ohio Republicans, and was trying to change the percent of voter majority we would need in the state to pass a law, from the typical 50% majority to a 60% super-majority (would have been immediate change). As well as making it so if one single county in Ohio didn’t sign a petition for a bill/law then it would be immediately thrown out and they would have to start over, rather than the current grace period we have in place to get more signatures and re-submit it (would have been put into place January 2024).

Special elections typically have a very small turn out, but over 3 million people casted their votes in the August 2023 election through early ballots and day of voting. The Issue was denied by a 51% majority of Ohioans voting no.

Many were calling this surprise election a direct attack on women and democracy. They believed it was done by Ohio Republicans as a way to make sure Issue 1 in the November election were overturned. Which is why it is important to know how you will be voting next month.

Not to be confused with the August Issue 1, the November Issue 1 has to do directly with reproductive rights. After the overturn of Roe V. Wade back in June of 2022, many states are jumping to put their own legislations on reproductive rights.

What most people don’t understand about this Issue is that women’s reproductive rights don’t just mean a right to get an abortion at any point in the pregnancy. It actually is a large blanket term that also involves contraception, fertility care such as In vitro fertilization, miscarriage care, and continuing pregnancy. Currently abortion in Ohio is legal up until 21 weeks and 6 days into the pregnancy.

A law was recently blocked though trying to change the time to 6 weeks, known as the “heartbeat ban”. No matter where you stand on abortion that is not what this issue is solely about and that needs to be recognized.

This legislation being passed would make it a state constitutional right to “make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions”. Such as being able to access safe abortions, ability to receive contraception such as birth control, access to IVF and other fertility treatments, and safe care for miscarriages.

I feel very passionate about this issue and I’ve tried to keep my emotions out of writing. However, I want to make it so very clear that this is not a pro-choice or pro-life argument. This has never been about protecting the children or protecting the unborn. This is purely human rights, and an attempt to control women, and this needs to be stopped. We need to secure our rights as women.

Last thoughts as well as things to remember:

  • birth control doesnt just prevent pregnancy, it’s also used for regulating periods, clearing up acne, decrease PMS symptoms such as cramps, lowers the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers, and treating endometriosis
  • outlawing abortions just means that more pregnant people will turn to unsafe methods for terminating pregnancy, that can often end in death of the mother. *****YOU CANNOT STOP ABORTIONS FROM HAPPENING NO MATTER HOW MANY LAWS ARE PASSED****
freshman psych major at Ohio University. a cancer sun, capricorn moon, and sagittarius rising who loves matcha lattes, pop culture, reading, and music