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Warm Comforting Hug- The Life of A Coffee Shop

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.
New York Coffee Shop
Alanna Martine Kilkeary / Her Campus

Purple Walls

Filled with art, filled with stories

First dates, first meetings

First many things

Every person sitting here has a story

Yet we are all brought together by this house

Chocolate swirls, foam leafs, cinnamon topping

I sip into my hot cocoa and it fills my body with warmth fighting the cold chill

Pulling out a book sitting in a little nook

Good tunes playing, songs you have an have never heard of

Students click-clacking away, students in full concentration

“Chai Tea is up” something yelled in the back for someone to pick up

Home can be a place away from home

Safety wraps around my heart as I sip the warm chocolate delicacy

Warmth fills my body as I cozy into my next favorite book

Jukebox playing songs, some of them are super long

Board Games stacked like mountains, like Everest

Laughing and happiness comes from where everyone is set

A little time capsule within itself

A place to escape worries, escape time, escape the real world

Like a little terrarium, sustaining and supporting itself

Happiness fills the air same with the scent of coffee

The air wraps it’s arms around me, hugging me tight waiting for me to come back again

Hi! I am Maddie and I am from Kent. I love crystals, plants, music, and I am really into chakra cleansing. I hike and do yoga during my free time! My major is music education and my dream job is to be an elementary music teacher. I am in a treble ensemble called Bella Voce, a music fraternity called Sigma Alpha Iota, and Nafme!