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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is still a thing, really. Can’t we just change the holiday to another national “Hug your cat” day? Whether you’re single, taken, or couldn’t care less about Valentine’s day, the mere thought of February 14th signifies impending doom for us all. Here are some reasons we should veto this holiday forever.

  1. Shouldn’t you treat your partner with love and attention…every day?

Has no one ever realized that treating that special someone with flowers and candy for one out of 365 days a year is a little bit… lousy? I remember my high school English teacher telling our class that he and his wife actually ignored each other for all of Valentine’s day, as the two were protesting the stupidity of the holiday. He said that he and his wife love each other every day of the year, and Valentine’s day seemed a bit superficial. We should all be a bit more like him. If you really want your partner to swoon, get them some flowers on a random Tuesday. Not because a calendar told you to.

  1. It makes us single folk feel that much more single. Thanks.

Your social media feeds are already flooded with cute couple posts, friends getting engaged, and even having babies. We really don’t need a whole day dedicated to love so we can be even more aware of our single-ness. We need a day dedicated to loving ourselves! Some of us truly do enjoy solitude.

  1. If your relationship is on the rocks right around the middle of February, good luck!

We sometimes assume that if someone is in a relationship, then Valentines Day must be pretty magical, right? Wrong. If I’ve learned anything in my 22 years, it’s that nothing is as good as it looks on Instagram. Imagine how many couples want to break it off, but feel the need to stay together for a holiday dedicated to proving to other people how much you love your partner. Whether they’re staying together to prove something to others, their own partner, or themselves, the entire idea is pretty toxic.

  1. Even the most healthy and strong relationships are threatened by this wretched day.

On the opposite side of things, even healthy and thriving couples are intimidated by this holiday. After years of celebrating Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, and birthdays – couples in strong relationships may sometimes be strained by trying to continuously one-up the previous gift. Let’s ditch this holiday and not look back, sis.

Jaime is currently pursuing her bachelor's degree in Retail Merchandising and Fashion Product Development at Ohio University. Although she's from the Jersey shore, you won't find her fist pumping at the club very often. She is extremely passionate about fashion, animals, and the environment. You can almost always find her hanging out her with her cats, shopping at thrift stores, or hiking in the woods!