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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Living on a budget seems to be the trend these days, but some things are worth the extra change. Here is a guide to things to save on v. splurge on.




  1. Lululemon products.


Lululemon offers high-end athletic wear that will last you a long time.

  1. Triangl bathing suits


Triangl uses only top quality materials and doesn’t stretch or fade over time making it well worth the money.


  1. Hunter Rainboots


These boots will go with you for many years and hold up to even rough wear and tear.




  1. Bodysuits  

Most bodysuits will fit similarly and like most trends could go out of style so consider saving some money on body suits.

  1. Sneakers


There are always great sales on sneakers so don’t pay full price when you could find a cheaper pair.

  1. Sports Bras


I’ve found many sports bras that provide great support that didn’t cost me a fortune, so check your local TJ Maxx or Marshall’s for some deals.