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Sabra: Marvel Glorifying The Israeli and Palestinian Conflict

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Sabra first appeared in the Marvel Universe in 1980. She was in The Hulk comic and has been created due to the Israeli military trying to create a Super Soldier. She can be compared to Captain America, but the Israeli version. The issue with Sabra is that she was created to symbolize Israeli patriotism and in the comic it features a Palestinian boy being caught in the cross fire.

The issue with Sabra is that this represents the conflict between Palestine and Israel forces which is a currently a war being fought right now. The main message in the comic was that young innocent people are being killed because the two nations won’t share. This edition of the Hulk commented that Arabs are terrorists, which creates harmful stereotypes, like misogony, antisemetism, and violent tendencies.

Most people see no way this movie will come out as positive, it will either frame Palestinians as bad or Israelians as bad. They simply should just not come out with this character especially in the certain climate. Updates on the conflict are far and few between but the war is still continuing on. Civilians are being shot and killed due to their religious beliefs. This all started in 1948 when the UK gave the two nations independence in which the Israeli nation was given majority of the land, causing Palestinians to flee. Later on in 1987 there was a Palestinian uprising in Gaza and Israel. In 2000, there was a second uprising which continued until 2005. In 2006 a group of Palestinians won an election in Gaza. Following this in 2008, Israeli forces attacked Gaza which left so many people dead. The fighting continues and then in 2018, the Trump Administration recognized Jerusalem as a part of the Israeli nation, which obviously caused more outrage within Palestinian forces. Of course the fighting continued, building up pressure until 2021. In 2021, the Israeli police raided al-Aqsa Mosque which is a very sacred holy site in the religion of Islam which caused the stir into the conflict of today.

One thing we need to pay attention to is the violence innocent civilians are enduring. Unfortunately in some nations, religious freedom does not exist and people are killed for their beliefs. This war is a tragedy and not something to be made into a movie for Marvel to profit off of.

Hi! I am Maddie and I am from Kent. I love crystals, plants, music, and I am really into chakra cleansing. I hike and do yoga during my free time! My major is music education and my dream job is to be an elementary music teacher. I am in a treble ensemble called Bella Voce, a music fraternity called Sigma Alpha Iota, and Nafme!