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Raquel Richards

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Raquel Richards, 21, is a junior strategic communication major. Both her and her boyfriend are from Wadsworth, Ohio. She’s a part of PRSSA and ImPRessions on campus. Raquel is known for her bubbly personality and positive attitude.

What Raquel’s looking forward to this year? “Taking classes related to my major and learning more about my field of study!”

Follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @RaquelRichards9! 



Meredith is a junior at Ohio University and Campus Coorespondent for Her Campus Ohio U. She is majoring in Strategic Communication with a minor in Marketing. Her hobbies include dreaming about traveling, drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee, and driving her pink car. You can follow her on Twitter (@Mere_Broadwater) and Instagram (@meredithbroad).