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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Now that I am (more than) halfway done with my junior year, the chaos has officially kicked in. Between numerous group projects, trying to find that perfect internship, and balancing a social life… life has gotten pretty stressful. Being a 21 year-old girl with anxiety, it hasn’t been too easy on me. Never being able to sleep, not having enough money to attend spring break with my best friends and having no motivation to work out or eat healthy has officially taken a toll on me. 

I call this: my junior life crisis. 

Not only do I want spring break to be here, but I NEED it to be here. Of course, I love my school and my friends, but I am ready to do absolutely nothing for a week. The only problem is that most of my friends will be going on spring break trips, while I will be sitting at home for a week. Although my FOMO has definitely gotten better since freshmen year, I know that this will still be a challenge for me. So to ease that pain, I’ve come up with a few tricks:

1. Work 

Although work is the last place I want to be over my week-long break, I have a job waiting for me at my dad’s office. Because of this, hopefully I will make a decent amount of money to help me get through the rest of the semester. It will also hopefully keep my mind busy.

2. See old friends

Luckily for me, I have a few friends who will either be on their college breaks themselves, or who are living at home and will be able to spend time with me over break. A nice dinner and a movie with an old friend sounds pretty great to me.

3. Hang out with family and my dog

Although I will already be seeing my dad multiple days a week because I will be working with him, I will still have some time to relax and catch up with my parents and sister. My dog is just an even bigger plus who I’ve been missing for 2 months now! 

4. Go shopping

I may be broke, but hopefully my mom will decide to take me on a little shopping trip, so I can up my wardrobe and maybe get prepared for the rest of what the semester has in store for me. 

5. Enjoy home cooked meals 

How would I do this if I were away on break in Florida for the week? Although I may not be getting tan and making memories every day, I will get to enjoy my favorite home cooked meal with my family.

I’m hoping that these 5 little tricks will help me get through my spring break and make it a relaxing and fun time for myself at home. St. Patrick’s Day is also coming up, and my friends will be home for that, so I also have that to look forward to! So it’s OKAY if you’re in my position and not going on spring break, we can still make the best of it! 

… I may not be on the beach for a week, but I sure as hell plan on being just as tan as my friends when they get home :’)