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I Completed My 2016 New Years Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

On New Years Eve going into 2016, just like everyone else in the world, I made a resolution for the year. I promised myself that I would be a “yes girl.” Let me clarify by saying that I did not tell myself to say yes to absolutely everything. In a the life of a busy college student between classes, homework, work, clubs, and the other activities it is easy to come home and watch Netflix or nap at the end of a day. I wanted to challenge myself to say yes to things that I would like to do but have always made excuses for in the past. A year later I am glad that I actually stuck with my resolution for the first time in my life.

Keeping up with a New Year resolution is tough. We all know that whether it is weight loss, being more positive, or anything else. The first few weeks might go great but then your old habits start to kick in. The same thing happened with me. I was lucky enough to start the first four months of 2016 studying abroad in London. Obviously saying “yes” to everything was not hard in one of the greatest cities in the world.

Surprisingly, once I was in another country for a month my old habits started creeping up. I missed home and I was tired after classes so I wanted to watch Netflix until out activities at night. Luckily, one of my roommates reminded me on my second lazy day that I was wasting time when I could be exploring a huge city.

My own personal tip is to only tell one or two people your resolution. My roommate kicked my butt and reminded me that I wanted to explore everything that I could. On the other hand if I had failed at least I would not have 10 or more people asking me about my resolution reminding me about my failures.

After I got into the habit of exploring instead of watching Netflix or napping I realized that I did not crave to do either anymore. Looking back, I made some of my most memorable decisions by being spontaneous. 2015 me would have never decided to walked up the stairs of the Eiffel Tower instead of taking the elevator or taken the underground alone to go shopping in a new city. They may seem like little victories but those are the important first steps. My new healthier habit followed me back home to the States and during the summer months I explored the city I have always lived in through a new point of view.

Choosing an obtainable new years resolution was one of the best decisions I have made. Don’t get me wrong I still love Netflix and lounging around. The difference is that “I’m tired” or “I don’t want to put on make-up” are not excuses not to do something spontaneous and fun anymore. If someone asks me to hang out I do not back out anymore. I challenged myself to stop letting myself get in the way and here I am a year later with more things crossed off of my bucket list.

It does not have to be New Years to set a new goal for yourself. I encourage you to pick something to do for your mental health and overall happiness then in one year you will thank yourself.

(Photos courtesy of the author)

Just a quirky fashion journalist trying to get it right!