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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

As I’m sure many ladies know, trying to date in college can be more stressful than even one of your hardest classes. What’s harder? Not understanding what your prospective partner even wants when discussing a relationship. Have no fear, I’m here to help you navigate through the murky sea of boys in college and keep you from drowning under the waves. Follow these simple tips that can help you determine if a crush is just that or if he is built for a successful relationship. 

Define boundaries, and stick to them

It is so important that when you meet someone and start to develop feelings for them, that you establish boundaries with your partner quickly and efficiently. Establishing firm boundaries with someone is a great way to tell them what you are comfortable with and what you are not willing to do. This is a wonderful test because if your potential partner cannot respect these boundaries then he is likely to be a big mistake that will definitely break your heart in the end. 

Skip Tinder

I struggled with this too. I was so caught up in swiping right on attractive people that I forgot what I was really looking for. Spoiler alert; most people on Tinder are just looking for something easy with no strings attached. So if you’re looking for something real, or even some type of connection other than physical, delete the app.

“You up?”

I cannot tell you how many times women have received this awful message after getting home from the bars at two in the morning. Sure, sometimes it works and you get a chance to hang out with your crush, but if they only try to reach out to you late at night when you’re both alone, he probably doesn’t have the best intentions. If this kind of casual relationship is your thing, no worries and I hope that you have as much fun as you can! But for those of us who want more than just a casual fling, I suggest you leave the, “you up?” message on read and look for someone that cares more about you than what they can get from you. 

Playing games

If someone you’re talking to is slowly becoming the reason that you are upset all of the time, they’re not worth it, they’re toxic. If they’re constantly playing mind games with you instead of being open and honest with you about their feelings towards you, run away as fast as you can. These are not the type of partners that you want for a relationship. If they wanted a relationship with you, they’d tell you, and if they don’t, that’s where playing games occur. But if being involved with this person does compromise your mental health and drain you emotionally, run and never look back.

Accept the love you deserve

In any potential relationship, it is important for you to receive all the love and adoration that you deserve. You are an awesome individual with so much to offer to a partner, and being treated like anything less than a queen is positively unacceptable. If you feel that you’re the only one putting in the effort and someone else is just half-assing on their end of the relationship, find someone better. Nowadays, I see many people in relationships getting treated poorly yet they stay with their partner for some reason. I urge you to never accept that and move on to someone that will worship you for the goddess that you are.

Katie Murphy

Ohio U '21

Katie Murphy is currently a Junior at Ohio University majoring in Communication Studies and minoring in Sports Management and Marketing. While at school, she works at Ping Recreation Center and Bird Ice Arena, and is a Marketing Rep at Insomnia Cookies. In her "free time" she is passionate about all things movies, television, fitness, books, food, and sports, and is happy to talk to anyone and everyone.