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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Fall is finally here, which means trading in your shorts for leggings and cute jeans. For the past few years skinny jeans have been all the rave but I am beyond excited that flare jeans are making a serious comeback. I’ll be the first to admit that I was a little skeptical when I saw the 70’s look coming back but that was before I realized all the benefit these jeans have.

(Photo courtesy of wordpress.com)

Flare jeans are the best excuse to expand your shoe closet, or if you are like me, use the shoes you promised yourself you would wear but never did. Since the bottom of these jeans go outward, they are perfect for wearing high heels of any height. The jean design also allows for any type of boot to be worn under the jeans whether they are heeled boots, platformed or anywhere in between.    

(Photo courtesy un-fancy.com)



What I love the most about flare jeans is the height of the waist on them. They do not have a low rise cut to them but instead a perfect mid-to-high rise right around the belly button or a little above it, depending on your torso. I think this is perfect for today’s fashion with body suits and crop tops.

(Photo courtesy of shoe-tease.com)



Another great thing about flare jeans is that your ankles can finally breathe! We have all had the jump up and down experience trying to get our skinny jeans up our legs. We have all also had the struggle of trying to get skinny jeans off after a night out. Both are struggles you won’t have with flare jeans because they are a lot more comfortable, in my opinion.  

(Photo courtesy of images0.chictopia.com)

Over the past few years when fall weather came around, we only had two options: tight jeans or comfortable leggings. Now flare jeans add in a fun third party option I encourage you to try.

(Photo courtesy of justthedesign.com) 

Just a quirky fashion journalist trying to get it right!