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Finding Balance: Tips For Those Who Are Overcommitted

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

As someone who always overcommits themself, I have a few things to say about it and a few tips to help others who are overcommitted find balance in their lives and prevent burnout.

My Experience

My whole life, I’ve always been someone who needs to be in everything I can. In high school, I was president of three clubs, practically running and acting in a musical, participating in countless other clubs, preparing for college, maintaining a 4.0 GPA, and playing sports. I have continued this habit into my college years, joining far too many clubs, participating in the honors program, taking up leadership roles, and trying to keep up with my class work. It is a lot, and it definitely takes a toll on my mental health and friendships and often makes it difficult for me to keep going. The burnout is real. Thus, I have done some research and taken some steps to make my life easier and reduce my burnout, which hopefully can help you too.

Complete work early

I know this is basic, and honestly really hard to do, but in the past couple of weeks, getting my work done at least a few days in advance has saved my life. Even if it is just completing one or two assignments on Monday as opposed to waiting until Sunday (or whichever day it is due) to do everything, it can benefit you greatly and take a weight off of your shoulders. One thing to be careful of regarding this, it is easy to get into the habit of doing one thing on Monday and then telling yourself you have done enough and not doing any other work until the last minute. It is important to try and do assignments throughout the week, dedicate one hour to doing assignments every day (depending on your courseload maybe more) and I promise your life will be much easier.

Use your calendar

This seems self-explanatory, but I cannot stress enough how important my iPhone calendar is to me. I put every possible event in there because it is the only thing that makes me positive I know where to be on time. I put rehearsals, classes, meetings, due dates, you name it, it’s on there. This is so beneficial because it keeps you on track, and makes planning things and seeing your availability so much easier.

Know when to stop

I know it can be hard being an overachiever, however, it is important to know when it’s too much. I know you want to do everything and make the most of your time here, but it is important to do good work in the things you are already involved in and give 100% to those, rather than stretching yourself too thin and not being able to give your all. Especially when you are in leadership positions, people are counting on you. If you can give your all, then you are failing yourself and the others in your organization, so do what’s best for you, and what’s best for them, and give yourself room to breathe.

GO to class

Go to class. Even though you might be tired, or just generally don’t want to go, just go AND take plenty of notes, actually pay attention. I often go to class and then pay zero attention and take no notes, and I always regret it. Find a way to take notes that you can understand, whether it’s on the computer, pen and paper, or any other number of methods because it will be so helpful in studying and completing assignments. In most cases, my exams and other tests are open notes, so taking notes in class helps my grades so much it’s insane. It will also save you stress from having to study extra outside of class, which can take away so much time from your other student organizations, time with your friends, or anything else that might be valuable to you. So just wake up in time, get ready, go to class, and take notes. They don’t have to be super pretty or organized, but as long as you do something, you should be much further ahead than if you do nothing.

in Closing

Whatever you do, the future is in your hands. Whether you do these things or not or find other tips to help alleviate becoming overwhelmed, is on you. I am sending all the best wishes and good vibes your way, and hope you can have a stress-free rest of the semester.

I am a junior pursuing majors in marketing and business analytics, a minor in PR and advertising, and a certificate in social media. I am excited to be writing for Her Campus and sharing my thoughts with y’all! Some fun facts about me are that I enjoy crocheting, watching movies, listening to music, thrifting, and doing theater. Happy reading😘😘