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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Your past few months have been overloaded in studying, homework, organizations, partying, yada yada yada… over Thanksgiving break, all you could think about is finally GETTING TO RELAX.

Unfortunately, since it’s the week before finals here at OU, relaxing isn’t on our agenda quite yet. Although, we do get to enjoy a nice Thanksgiving feast at home, we still have finals in the back of our minds, which means we can’t officially relax until winter break hits.

(Gif courtesy of giphy.com)

In order to de-stress this winter break, there a few things I must do first:

Spend these last two weeks at school IN THE LIBRARY. I won’t let myself breathe until I can actually word for word memorize my Spanish vocabulary.

(Gif courtesy of giphy.com)

TRY not to go out for Santa Fest… (This is a far stretch, but hey, it can be done!)

(Gif courtesy of uproxx.files.wordpress.com)

Do some strategic packing so there’s no panicking when you’re back at home searching for your favorite sweater.

(Gif courtesy of az616578.vo.msecnd.net)

Once you’re FINALLY home, here’s a list of some things to do:


(Gif courtesy of s-media-cache.com)

Okay, again, that’s a far stretch… There are SOME things you could be doing:

Catch up with friends! Whether it’s getting a nice coffee, going out to dinner and a movie or even partying it up at the bars, whatever it takes, go see your friends!

(Gif courtesy of tumblr.com)

Clean your room. Even better, help your parents around the house or decorate a bit for the holidays!

(Gif courtesy of giphy.com)

Drive around, look at Christmas lights and blast some Christmas music to get into the holiday spirit.

(Gif courtesy of tumblr.com)

See a movie with friends or family. 

(Gif courtesy of giphy.com)

Do some holiday shopping!

(Gif courtesy of surverycrest.com)

And last but not least….

Hang out with your family and really listen and catch up with them. What’s better than de-stressing through family bonding?

(Photo courtesy of imgur.com)

Happy Holidays!

Just a quirky fashion journalist trying to get it right!