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5 Websites Every College Student Should Bookmark

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Picture this: It’s 6pm. You just came home from a late class with a burrito from Chipotle and just want to watch TV and eat your day away. Of course, your night would not be complete if you don’t go on Instagram or Twitter to check on what’s going on around you. And then, you can’t forget to finish that last paragraph for your English essay because it must be submitted before 11:59 pm (Don’t you hate such specific deadlines?). Have you noticed a connection here? You’ve been using the internet since you arrived home because it’s part of your daily routine. A 2016 study by CNN showed that the average American spends more than half a day staring at a screen. Although it may sound crazy, you can analyze yourself and see that you probably fit into that mold. 

With these facts and the knowledge of the difficulty college can be, I’ve created a list of the top 5 websites you should bookmark right now. Not only will they be easy to use and access, but also extremely helpful. 

1. Stubhub-

Thinking of going to a football game soon? Or maybe, you and some friends want to attend a concert but are just not sure who’s playing. Cue Stubhub. This site has all information about the events going on around you as well as tickets you can buy. Even better, if you have extra tickets for something, you could sell them right there on the site. 

2. UniDays-

This is an amazing website. The next time you want that cute polka dot jacket from Forever 21 but just can’t seem to afford it, go to UniDays. They offer tons of discount codes and inform you of various sales going on in different stores. It’s run strictly for college students, so once you make an account, the world is yours. 

3. Keepmeout-

If you’re anything like most people, you’re addicted to social media. It’s just one of the rewards of living in the 21st century. But when it results in constant procrastination and late assignments, it may be time to reevaluate your social media spending time. This is where Keepmeout comes in handy. All you do is tell the website which sites to prevent you from visiting for a specific amount of time, and it does that. 60 minutes without Twitter won’t kill you, right? 

4. Studentrate-

Because you’re a college student, you’re more than likely low on money. Don’t worry, just go to Studentrate. While it offers discounts for clothing sites such as UniDays, it also offers discounts for things such as textbooks (which is amazing considering the expense of textbooks now a days) and even travel. Maybe that spring break road trip can happen. 

5. RogerHub-

So it’s getting close to finals and while you’re surviving in some classes, there’s that one class that just seems to hate your guts. Rogerhub helps you calculate what percentage you need in that class to pass it, based on the grading technique your professor uses. It can also help you calculate the grade you’d receive if your lowest grade is dropped.  Need I say more? 

(Photo courtesy of www.imgur.com)