In college, it can be a bit stressful! Between exams, socializing and trying to get the standard amount of sleep you potentially neglect your health by not exercising. I understand that the excuse could either be I can’t find the time to go to the gym or gyms are too expensive, but I have a way to potentially solve that problem. What better way to get in shape and also be on time for your classes than actually running?
I’m pretty sure you’re not going to do a full-on sprint to your class but running you give yourself a chance to get in shape, you release endorphins within your brain to help you get an extra boost of energy, and overall something about running just makes you feel good mentally!
If you’re a rookie, here are the few steps to get yourself started safely and successfully!
Look the part!
Source: Giphy
Like we really need another excuse to go shopping, but what better way to get into the spirit ever finding them by having the appropriate running gear! When I first got started, I simply thought I just needed a pair of leggings, cheap Walmart shoes and a t-shirt. Not a really good combination to run in! You can never go wrong with the T-shirt and leggings are amazing, and I love them to death. When you’re running, sometimes legging material can be too thin or too uncomfortable to run in, especially if you try to go for long distances. Don’t be discouraged by not wearing leggings, but just make sure that you got a really good pair compared to the $5 kind!
Don’t Forget the Shoes!
Source: Giphy
Be sure to stay away from cheap running shoes! By all means, you do not want to run in low-quality running shoes! This sets you up for long-term problems with your legs that you can be avoided or prolonged by just having the right type of shoes that are comfortable, grips your feet and ankles properly and lowers the impact you’re going to be getting when your feet hit the ground.
Less is more!
Source: Giphy
Gravity is a real thing! And believe me, the whole concept of gravity becomes even more real when you are running. Of course, if you’re carrying textbooks or things of that nature that can’t be helped, but always remember to bring only essentials when you’re going to run. Ditch the extra textbooks and notebooks for that class you’ll have later in the week. There is a plus to this though! When carrying additional things while running, you will increase your speed and also it’s building strength!
Stay hydrated!
Source: Giphy
Water IS your best friend! That goes without saying for any exercise because when exercising your body is losing a lot of hydration through sweat. If you drink something other than water, like soda for example, you’ll get a temporary hydrating effect but for a short period of time. If you drink water, your body gets that hydration for an extended period of time. Also, it gives you a little energy boost!
Just do it!
Source: Giphy
It’s very easy to come up with an excuse not to do something! Yeah, you’re going to be sweating. Yeah, you might smell, but on the positive side, you’re doing something for your health! Your body will thank you for it and think of all the compliments you’ll get weeks from now when people see your running results? Nothing to it but to do it!