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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ODU chapter.

Life can be demanding sometimes. It can be hard to stay positive when you have a four weeks worth of laundry staring at you, a mountain of homework assignments, and tired feet from working all day. It almost becomes an everyday occurrence to feel down on yourself or flustered from being pulled here and there. This is where a little self-care and love can save day! Here are ten ah-mazing ideas for giving yourself some “me-time”!


1.   Try Morning or Bedtime Affirmations

Getting into the habit of thinking positive thoughts can become really self-empowering. It can change the way you see yourself and handle difficult situations. Try slipping in some time for affirmations throughout the day, like while you’re showering, applying your makeup, or getting ready for bed. Compliment yourself and think about your strengths and goals. Soon it’ll become a normal mindset!


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2. Practice Yoga or Some Simple Stretching

Yoga is a great way to escape from the world and really focus on your mind and body. If you can’t make it to a quick yoga session, try some simple stretches at home! Even if you only spend five minutes touching your toes and reaching for the sky, you’ll feel limber and ready to take on the day.


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3. Listen to Peaceful Music

Whether you’re studying, on the go, or meditating before bed, turning on some peaceful tunes can calm you down, help you stay focused, and feel present. Try classical music or some relaxing spa tunes to help you push through the day.


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4. Read A New Book

Try turning off your phone for thirty minutes before bed to indulge yourself in a new book! Whether you’re into romance, mysteries, or thrillers, you won’t regret escaping the “real world” for a while. Trust me, Twitter can wait.

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5. Take a Warm Bubble Bath

Reward yourself after a hard day of work by busting out that bath bomb you’ve been holding onto. The warm water and relaxing scents will make you feel calm, clean, and rejuvenated after a stressful week. Heck, even throw in a few candles and some chocolates for a real treat!


(Source: https://giphy.com )


6. Try Journaling

Whether you need a good vent or some organization in your life, journaling is a great way to declutter your brain of that mental “to-do” list. Pinterest has a lot of great bullet journal ideas if you’re into making lists and reminders. Even if you only write down your goals for the week, you’ll feel like you have your life together a bit more.


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7. De-clutter Your Room, Car, or Phone

Trust me, de-cluttering your life in any way will make you feel super productive! Go through your closet or delete old apps and photos from your phone. You’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something even if you’ve just deleted fifty pictures of your dog from fifteen different angles. Plus, you could run into some extra cash if you sell that graphic tee you’ve outgrown.


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8. Take a Social Media Break

This might seem challenging but no one’s ever complained about detaching themselves for a while. If you set your phone down for a bit, you’ll have plenty of time and focus for reading, stretching, de-cluttering, or journaling (wink, wink). Trust me, you can find out what your aunt had for dinner another time.

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9. Call an Old Friend or Family Member

If you’re feeling down or stressed out, pick up the phone and talk to an old friend or relative. A phone call will mean a lot to them and it’s so much more personal than a text! Take a few minutes out of your day to call your cousin that you were close to growing up or your old BFF from high school. You’ll have fun catching up and rekindling lost friendships!


(Source: https://giphy.com  )


10. Binge Watch Your Favorite Movies or Shows

Give yourself some “me time” and binge watch that show that your coworkers have been raving about. Pop yourself some popcorn, put on your PJs, wipe that makeup off, work that messy bun, and have yourself a me day!

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Give yourself some well-deserved TLC every once in a while! There’s nothing wrong treating yourself and knowing your self-worth. Do things that are going to empower you and allow you to detach yourself for a while. The best way to start loving life is to begin loving yourself!