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5 Healthy Breakfast Ideas for When You’re in a Rush

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

We all know the feeling. It’s 15 minutes before your early morning class, you haven’t eaten and you’re STARVING. Eating breakfast in the morning can be a major challenge while on the run, and keeping your morning meal healthy is an even larger task. For those of you who have 8ams, here are some quick and easy ways to get a hearty, healthy meal to jumpstart your day!

1. Greek Yogurt with Fruit and Granola

Greek yogurt is the perfect way to get a fast, easy and delicious meal. Greek yogurt is a great source of protein and essential vitamins. Pairing it with granola, honey and fruit is a great way to add flavor and sweetness without all of the added sugar. This breakfast will keep you energized and fuller for longer periods of time!

2. Cereal

If you’re really pressed for time, cereal is the perfect solution. Cereal can be a healthy fix if you find the right kind. Brands like Special K or Kashi are the healthiest on the market and still taste delicious. With the benefits of necessary protein and calcium from milk, cereal makes a nutritious and easy breakfast.

3. Avocado toast


If you have a little extra time, making avocado toast is a delicious way to start your day. Avocado has been all the rage lately, and a typical serving of avocado is rich in several B vitamins and vitamin K, with high levels of vitamin C, vitamin E and potassium, a super food! To make it even more healthy, toast a piece of wholegrain bread and put an over easy egg on top.

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest options for breakfast. Oatmeal can lower blood cholesterol because of its soluble fibre content. It also can reduce the risk of heart disease. Oatmeal is also a popular meal for athletes because of high carbohydrate levels and fiber that stabilizes blood-glucose levels. Oatmeal keeps you full and energized, and there are so many ways to jazz up your oats! Adding a bit of brown sugar or honey enhances sweetness while nuts and fruit adds texture to an already delicious meal.

5. Grapefruit

Although this breakfast option is on the sour side, this citrusy fruit has a wide range of health properties. Grapefruits may help you lose weight faster, thanks to the fruit’s fat burning properties and its effect on blood sugar and insulin levels. Grapefruit is also hydrating, filling and packed with antioxidants. Pairing a grapefruit with a protein such as a glass of milk or yogurt makes for a perfectly well rounded meal.

There are lots of ways to make yourself a healthy breakfast and give yourself a good head start on the day. Simple solutions like drinking 2% milk, drinking tea instead of coffee and eating fruit and granola over unhealthy, processed bars for breakfast are all ways to cut back on calories but still fuel yourself for a long day. Eating an early breakfast before class or work may seem like the least of your worries, but these healthy and delicious options will ensure that you never miss the most important meal of the day!

Erin is a senior and former Campus Correspondent at NYU studying Comparative Literature and Music. On most days, you can find her at local coffee shops or cafés with her nose in a book. When she's not falling in love with fictional characters, she's blogging away on her lifestyle blog. If Erin is "busy", she is either in choir rehearsal or thinking of creative ways to conquer the literary world.