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Why You Should Definitely Study Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

After returning from China after six months, it was so incredible to re-join my friends and family. Obviously the first thing to do was to have a proper cuppa, and then begin trying to sum up the experience. Once the stories of big cities, tiny houses and interesting hostels were sifted through, one of the main responses I got from people was “wow, I could never do that!” This is not true at all – anyone who wants to can do it, and I strongly encourage that you do!

First of all, the obvious reason to study abroad is that it’s incredibly fun! Whether you want to travel to Europe or Asia, America or Australia, you will not come home wanting of experiences. You come away not only with results and credentials from another university that never fails to make your CV pop, but you will remember it always as one of the best trips you ever took. It also provides many dinner party stories that you can shamelessly refer to in years to come!

For me, China was the best choice because of the campus that the University of Nottingham has there. I don’t know about you, but I am personally quite linguistically challenged – mostly due to the childhood trauma of the high school Spanish classroom. Everything was examined in English, so the work was not much different to home, just with alternative modules. I wanted to go completely out of my comfort zone, and it did not disappoint. Though difficult at first, you soon get into the swing of life in your campus, which is just like university at home.


It’s important to remember that it won’t always be the amazing trip your Facebook album suggests. Some days are just like uni: you work, you hang out, you try to remember to email your tutor about missing class. Not everyday can be a day of experience like it can in normal travelling. Homesickness can kick in, like it did with me and many others. There is nothing wrong with it, just try to talk to the people around you as I guarantee someone will feel the same way. The best way to get out of it is to join in and get out there; maybe plan a trip to look forward to? Plus, it really is all part of the experience. Other days, when you travel at the weekend, go on days or nights out with your friends, you will literally have the time of your life.

There is no such thing as a standard study abroad, everyone will have a different time and experience of it. Don’t be put off if you don’t like general travel, sometimes it doesn’t feel like you are travelling at all. You are just starting uni again, but somewhere else.

So a semester abroad can be for everyone and anyone, there is no special skill that you need to have because you’re there to build on your skills, and I can’t think of a better way to do it.


Edited by: Sarah Holmes

Sources: Pixabay