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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

There’s nothing like a set of exams to ruin a healthy New Year’s resolution (there’s only so much will power one person can have!) However hope is not lost- it’s not too late to start that healthy diet you were planning. Personally, I’m not a fan of diets, I like food far too much to simply give it up and my grumbling stomach has an embarrassing resonance in lecture theatres. Instead I suggest you try switching your typical foods for healthy alternatives. Here are some of my favourite low calorie switches that will help you on your way to a healthy lifestyle in no time. If you’re searching for more healthy options then you really should look at Pinterest, however this will provide you with enough means for procrastinating for the rest of the term so proceed with caution- you have been warned!


Instead of that sugary bowl of cereal which is your go-to breakfast, why not try natural yoghurt as a base for your morning dish. You can top the yogurt with a bit of honey and finish off with some walnuts or even some strawberries and raspberries to kick you off on your 5 a day.

If you’re not a yoghurt fan, why don’t you try making your own smoothie? I can assure you it’s a cheap and pain free process, and it’s much healthier to know what you’re putting in it rather than grabbing it off the shelf. All you need is a bag of frozen fruit (frozen is the way forward, it’s SO much cheaper) my personal favourite is summer fruits, then add a banana and a liquid; you could use a fruit juice, yoghurt or milk, and a blender of course. It’s that simple and surprisingly filling!

Smoothies are a great alternative but if you’re really on a health kick then the best thing for you is juicing your own fruit juice. It might take more effort but your body will thank you for it!


If you’re anything like me, lunch is the most carby meal of the day, however, I found some alternatives that are budget friendly and can also still please your taste buds.

Trade the carby bread or pasta base for an avocado and fill with tuna. It’s a delicious combination, packed with protein and essential vitamins, and is another fruit checked off.

Crisps are my vice, but on occasions switch your crisps for unsalted nuts, dried fruit flakes or, if you really can’t part with the crisps, make sure you choose a baked option!

Home-made soups are a fantastic lunch, simple to make and can be batch cooked and frozen for later use- that’s maximum efficacy for minimal effort! The internet is laden with healthy home-made soup recipes but my personal favourite is this red lentil and carrot soup, with only a tiny 258 calories per serving. Gently cook sliced onions, garlic, and ginger in a pan before adding boiling water. Add lentils for 15 minutes before dishing up. It couldn’t be any simpler and is ideal for a flask in your packed lunch. If that’s not filling enough then have a low calorie pitta on the side.


Dinner is a tricky meal. After a long day of lectures no one wants to spend ages slaving away making food and creating a mountain of washing up! But resist the temptation to call Fortune Boy, because these dinner ideas are time and washing-up friendly, so there really is no excuse!

Perhaps the best alternative I’ve found yet, and it hitting up quite the storm with health fanatics – courgetti! Yeah you haven’t misread that, it’s a courgette as a replacement for the starchy spaghetti we love so much. Not convinced? Well a 100g serving of courgetti has just 18 calories, so dubious or not it’s worth a try. Cougetti can be used as a base for any of your Italian favourites or your stir fry dishes. All you need is a julienne peeler (only £2 on amazon!), and you just peel the courgette into thin strips and then lightly fry. Here the seasoning is up to you. You can really be as creative as you like with your herbs and garlic or even some pesto could work.

Who said healthy has to be boring? Why not treat yourself to a burger made of a lean beef topped with onions and mushrooms in a whole-wheat bun. This only clocks in at around 473 calories so just switch the chips with a healthy side of salad! For those of you who’ve been enticed, here’s the link to the recipe!

Chips are a deep fried luxury that are best saved for special occasions as not to sabotage your healthy regime. However, sweet potato fries are a fantastic and tasty alternative to the chips we love. Sweet potato fries can be fried, but the healthier option is to bake them. Simply slice up the sweet potato, you can leave the skin on for a crunchy texture, lightly cover in olive oil and bake at 230 degrees until they are nice and crispy.


Edited by Amelia Bauer















Harriet Dunlea is Campus Correspondent and Co-Editor in Chief of Her Campus Nottingham. She is a final year English student at the University of Nottingham. Her passion for student journalism derives from her too-nosey-for-her-own-good nature.