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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

When you attempt to make the most of moments that seem like they belong in your favourite chick flick, like kissing in the rain or baking cupcakes at 1am while listening to ‘put your records on,’ people often find it amusing and inform you that your life isn’t a movie.

Well, I simply say, isn’t it?

So, since the weather has been chilly, the mornings have been darker, and everything has been a little dull this week, I thought it would be the ideal time to give you every reason why and how you should romanticise your life! 

Many people suffer from SAD, commonly known as seasonal affective disorder, at this time of year. This can result in feelings of despair and anxiety, as well as a lack of desire or drive; for some, these feelings may be constant, while for others, they may come in waves. For me, romanticising every aspect of my life is the ideal method to combat the winter sadness that so often occurs.

Many of you readers are now sat puzzled behind your screens, wondering what on earth is romanticising your life Romanticise can be defined as making something more attractive or appealing than it really is, all with in moderation of course. Now what does it mean to be romantic in attitude, the definition applicable in this situation is ‘characterised by, or suggestive of an idealised view of reality’.

Hopefully you’re getting a sense of where this post is going; if so, keep reading, and if you’re bored, you should absolutely keep reading.

How to start your day with it, which for those of you who hate mornings will find difficult to believe is humanly possible.

So, on a typical morning, you might sleep through your alarm or turn it off and go back to sleep, typically because you make the executive choice that staying in bed 20 minutes longer is preferable to showering and eating breakfast. Yes, I am guilty of this too. However, the next time you wake up, take a moment to stretch in bed and enjoy the sounds around you before starting your day. Then I love to turn up the volume on my headphones and listen to feel-good music that makes me want to dance and sing; I know, it’s all very cliché, but what romance isn’t? 

After that, make a cup of coffee and settle down to drink it from your favourite cup, either watching people pass by your window or sitting in your garden taking in all around you, it’s much nicer than the usual rushed drink heading out the door.

Breakfast! Make something you enjoy, like poached eggs on toast, and dress it up to make you want to eat it. Take beautiful photographs of your breakfast because it is appealing to the eye and share them with your friends. Now take that warm shower you wanted to skip, sing a song while you’re in there, and use your favourite wash to keep you smelling great all day. A big, major hidden tip is headed your way! Put your towel in the dryer before entering so that when you get out the shower it feels like a huge fluffy hug.

So, while this is only a snapshot of the morning routine, you can romanticise any element of your life, such as taking your favourite route home, wearing your favourite shoes, kissing in the rain, and topping your hot chocolate with loads of whipped cream and marshmallows.

I could go on for hours about how you can romanticise every element, but you would probably end up bored and I wouldn’t be able to fit it all in, so even though these are just a few suggestions, they’re a wonderful start toward making your days a little brighter and, hopefully, happier.

Caitlin Sweeney

Nottingham '23

A lover of Wilde and Shelley, and a guilty pleasure for 80s music. I believe chocolate and tea can solve 98% of my problems, I am always up for new challenges and learning new things !