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The Goldrush: Your last ditch attempt at university love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

The Gold Rush; industrial revolution that resulted in much of the development of California OR the university season that sees final year students throw caution (and their clothes) to the wind in the hopes of finally hooking up with the fellow students they’ve lusted over for three years, safe in knowledge if all goes horribly wrong they’ll never have to see them again?

That’s right, the university phenomena that is ‘Goldrushing’ is slowly creeping upon us. Students who haven’t seen the light of day for weeks on end due to a seemingly endless confinement in Hallward will suddenly be released to pounce upon each other in the sweaty pit of Ocean, carefree, exam free, and dignity free. The usual rules of courtesy no longer apply: your friend’s ex-boyfriend/girlfriend is no longer off limits, the guy/girl on your course you always thought was way out of your league is now well within your reach. Even your housemates who you’ve witnessed at their absolute worst might suddenly become a solid 10/10 prospect now that ‘Goldrush’ season has arrived. Those of you in long-term committed relationship may feel now is the time to eschew your loyalties and attempt amorous conquests with the previously unobtainable, whilst the singletons amongst you may see it as a last ditch means of securing yourself a relationship before leaving university forever.

In all seriousness, these last chance romances are not to be entered into lightly. Nothing stings quite like going to bed with a life-long friend and waking up with nothing but awkwardness and regret between the sheets. Do your research. Those weeks spent in Hallward prior to the end of exams can be used as a means of laying the groundwork before your competition even gets a sniff of the gold. Small talk made between the bookshelves, in the queue for coffee can speak big things when freedom comes. Work out who is available. Can you deal with being the one who broke up a long term relationship if such an opportunity arose? Find out who your friends are after; there’s no sense in you all chasing the same end goal. Use Tinder to pull those cracking lines on guys and girls you’ve never dared speak to before. Everyone’s in it for the same thing and you’ve got to get ahead of the game.

Most important to remember is that there are no rules. No one is simply ‘out of your league’, now is the time for punching above your weight. And of course, if all goes horribly wrong, you can live safe in the knowledge that you’ll never have to see them again. What have you got to lose?

Are you ready for the competition?



Edited by Amelia Baeur

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Harriet Dunlea is Campus Correspondent and Co-Editor in Chief of Her Campus Nottingham. She is a final year English student at the University of Nottingham. Her passion for student journalism derives from her too-nosey-for-her-own-good nature.