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A Guide to Hosting Wholesome Dinner Parties on a Student Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Having spent far too many nights in my first and second year clubbing and partying I was determined to infuse some wholesomeness into my final year. 

Hosting dinner parties has quickly become my favourite way to spend a wholesome evening with friends. Although, I have discovered that without careful planning, these gatherings can be quite challenging. It’s easy to overspend, exhaust yourself with hours of cooking and at the end of the night be left not only with lots of washing up but the feeling that you didn’t really get to enjoy the evening. That’s why I wanted to create a little guide to hosting dinner parties and share all the tips and tricks I’ve learned to ensure the nights are enjoyable, relaxed and affordable. 

The first step to hosting a dinner party is deciding what you are going to cook. Opt for simplicity when selecting a recipe – choose a sharing dish that is one-pot, hearty, easy to clean up, and budget-friendly. Some of my favourites are pasta, curries, chilli con carne, soups and stir-fries. I love recipes like these because they can be thrown in the middle of the table to share, encouraging everyone to serve themselves, and saving you the effort of serving individual plates. 

Once you’ve settled on the main dish, I’ve found having accompaniments can really elevate the meal. Including side dishes ensures that everyone leaves with satisfied stomachs and creates the illusion that you have spent hours slaving away to make them an elaborate dinner. For curries or soups, consider a flatbread pairing – simply brush them with garlic and parsley butter and bake until golden for an extra layer of flavour. When it comes to chilli, the classic pairing of homemade tortilla chips, created by cutting store-bought tortilla wraps into triangles and seasoning them, is both affordable and incredibly tasty. For pasta, garlic bread is a must, and enhancing it with sun-dried tomatoes elevates this simple dish. In the realm of stir-fries, I offer two suggestions for side dishes. The more budget-friendly and straightforward option is oven-baked spring rolls, a surefire winner, particularly when sprinkled with sesame seeds or drizzled with sweet chilli sauce. The other, slightly more intricate side, is homemade vegan ‘prawn’ toast. Simply substitute prawn paste with a blend of mushrooms, spring onions, garlic, soy, and seasonings, spread over triangles of white bread, coat in sesame seeds, and fry till perfection. Every time I’ve made this it’s been a real crowd pleasure so it is well worth trying if you have a bit of extra time. 

When it comes to dessert, the same principles apply – opt for shareable, easy-to-prepare, and cost-effective options. My go-to choices for dinner parties include crumbles, puff pastry tarts or biscuit-based cheesecakes. These can all be prepared in advance, allowing you to enjoy the evening rather than being tethered to the kitchen.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of decor! Even on a tight budget, all you really need are some tea candles, flowers and a table runner to really elevate the atmosphere of the party. If you are really extra (like me) you can DIY some menus and name cards for everyone and all you need are some pens and paper. 

With all this in mind, get your friends to bring a bottle of wine, light lots of candles, and put some music on and you’ll be set for a perfect wholesome uni night in!

Ella Dooley

Nottingham '24

I’m a second year English and creative writing student at UON. Trying to find the best affordable and sustainable food offerings in Nottingham to share with you! 💘