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Your GPA is Just a Number

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

December is probably the most beautiful month of the year. There are still a few days of actual nice fall weather before the beauty of early winter comes in and bundles us up in ugly Christmas sweaters and scarves. We have traded in the baseball caps and iced coffee for knit beanies and Peppermint Mochas. The permacloud couldn’t be anymore present, but the constant layer of snow on everything in sight makes everything much more bearable. It’s Christmas time on the Notre Dame campus, which means snowball fights, Christmas lights, peppermint Schnapps patties, and of course, dreaded finals.

My excitement for finals and Christmas at the same time.

With finals comes extreme stress, sleepless nights, and delirium as months of procrastination catches up with us and all those nights spent watching Breaking Bad on Netflix and socializing around the Gatorade cooler become nostalgic memories. Take a second to bask in it all. If need be, take advantage of study days and pregame final exams with one last rally. Doctor’s orders.

Sorry for bringing up stale thoughts, but we all know it is time to open up that textbook you haven’t seen since syllabus week, or maybe actually buy the book in the first place. It’s time to trade in Club Feve for Club Hes. But the reward of all this is three weeks of uninterrupted bliss before getting back at it again.

If you are lucky like I am you will only have one actual final. But unlucky for me, it’s literally on the last day of finals. Hooray for an entire week of doing nothing but waiting to go home to beautiful Southern California (lol, Peace, South Bend. Hello, 60 degree weather)! But, if you’re not as lucky as I am, and you have a pile of Stats, Orgo, and Finance books to go through, or whatever other nasty classes are stressing you out: don’t fret, young one. You’ll make it through.

My motivation throughout finals.

Let me share with you the advice I gave a few scared freshmen just the other day: don’t stress. Wow, hard-hitting advice, right? Maybe it has something to do with my laid-back California attitude, actually it may have entirely everything to do with that. But, good grades aren’t everything, and giving yourself a tummy ache over constantly worrying isn’t worth the visit to St. Liam’s. I realize maybe classes are extremely difficult, and maybe freshman year has taken a toll on your mental stability. However, you need to remember that doing poorly in one or two classes is not the end of the world.

I entered college with unrealistic expectations of attaining a 3.8 GPA at the end of my first semester. Instead, I came home for winter break with a GPA just below 3.0, and I wasn’t even that concerned about it. Instead of comparing myself to my peers, I realized that what was done was done. As cliché as it sounds, the next semester was a fresh start. I chose classes that I actually liked, instead of ones that my adviser forced me into, and things were much more enjoyable.

Sure, I maintained a steady 4.3 all throughout high school, but it’s a different playing field now. The key to my acceptance of my new subpar GPA was the fact that I remembered that I am at Notre Dame.  And so are all of you. Further, I understand how excessively competitive we are as Notre Dame students, which can be very dangerous. We’re borderline perfectionists, some likely are. Most of you have likely never received a grade lower than a B+. Anything lower was failure. But that’s not the case anymore. Even if I completely bomb a class or two, in the end my degree will be from Notre Dame, which speaks much higher volumes than a C+ I got my freshman year in college. We have something like a 98% guarantee of job security upon graduation. The odds of my being a part of that percentage is looking pretty good right about now. Don’t worry, be happy.

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Notre Dame

Katrina Linden is an American Studies and Latino Studies Double Major. When she's not drinking coffee or sleeping, she's running HCND with her co-CC, assissting the director of Undergraduate Studies at the Institute for Latino Studies, or pretending to work at NDH. Message her at katrinalinden@hercampus.com if you're interested in writing for HCND.