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What to Do When You Don’t Want to Do Anything

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Spring break is right around the corner and with the promise of a break it can be difficult to find motivation for schoolwork. These frigid temperatures don’t help either! I have a very long to-do list sitting right beside me on most days, and one glance is usually enough to send me straight to Facebook in order to avoid the daunting tasks that must be accomplished. If you’re like me, it feels good to cross things off of your list once you’ve completed them. Sometimes I throw a random task on the list just because it’s something I know I already have to do. Then I’ll definitely be able to cross it off. Instead of sitting around on Facebook, I try to do more useful things when I’m procrastinating. Here are some of my favorites:


Cleaning is a great way to procrastinate because it makes your room feel fresh and promotes a good working environment. I am guilty of vacuuming too often and taking the trash out at obscure times simply because I don’t want to do my homework. It seems that whenever I have an exam the next day I suddenly realize how dirty my room is. I’m also guilty of cleaning the Keurig often because it takes awhile and it gives me something productive to do.

Take a nap

Sleeping is good for you. If you have a lot to do and are having a hard time focusing, take a nap. My theory is that if I’m not going to be productive doing work, I might as well give in to temptation and take the nap because I’ll be better rested when I go to finish my work later. Just make sure it’s a power nap and you don’t sleep your entire night away if you have a lot to do.

Write a letter

My grandma is my pen pal, so whenever I’m stressed or having trouble getting started on my work I write her a letter. I’m being productive while doing something I enjoy. Plus it doesn’t take very long. The cuter the stationary the better!


This will get some endorphins going and you’ll feel better afterwards. Working out is a great way to relieve stress and give you energy for those long nights studying. You can even take your reading assignments onto the elliptical or bicycle with you, or even catch up on some Netflix!

Procrastinating is okay if you do something productive, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!


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Hey everyone! I love to write and cry over episodes of One Tree Hill (don't judge). My favorite things to write about are fashion and music. I am definitely an animal and plant lover. I'm a South Bend native so in a way, Notre Dame has always been a part of my home.